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This Samurai Mod is NEXT LEVEL Xeno Reacts to Illegal FFXIV Mods

Papapachin: Once again, thank you for your reaction! TBH, I start look forward to it every time now

BrenoKhael: This video reduced Yoshi-P's lifespan by 20 years

ShikiRyougi05: I wanna quickly mention that this took papa 3 months, while dealing with chronic backpain. CS3 genuinely has no excuses.

iToxicMochi: They really should sell alternate reskins of jobs. It exists in universe too, in zadnor field zone, there's an au ra dragoon from yanxia that does exclusively cherry blossom themed skills.

steveodude: This is why we have 20min Expert roulettes and the guys can't see orange circles on the ground.... lol

bassisku: Papapachin cooking once more making Square Enix look like amateurs.

andrewtimothy9792: Thats not crazy. whats crazy is a single modder can make a mod that fit multiple races.

meanwhile the dev team cant make new releases's hat to be compatible with viera and hrothgar.

MackDonaldo: I had this mod, I had to stop using it cause it was fucking up my timing as a SAM main lol

kanick1983: yea.... 14 will NEVER be this cool

ShikiRyougi05: At this point i resub more for mods then for new content...

ReyReyzzz: I feel like SQE should start including VFX kits as actual loot in raids. Like, Imagine if Alexander dropped a machinist kit that lets machinists fight with alexander style machinery? It would be so fucking cool and give the content so much repeat value.

gpturismo: Imagine when they phase out PS4/XBSS out and push the game even harder... Also, yeah. Imagine the money they could make adding idle animations and... cooler outfits... in the mog station.


steveodude: This is why we have 20min Expert roulettes and the guys can't see orange circles on the ground.... lol

kumikohirasawa8126: Here’s a thought, why not hire some of these mod makers as freelance visual artists. Some might make it into the game and it could be a win for the people making them and nothing would be illegal. Obviously they can’t just use things from other IPs but it’s clear they have ideas on how to improve the visuals for attack animations. Maybe they can even make it to where it’s a visual glam or something. Kinda like how we are able to glam the carbuncle for summoners. Could possibly use the same kind of system. Might be more complex but maybe.

Slania227: i need to resub so i can avoid this

algame3: This is so sick

drewchk5254: They need to do one of these for. The dark knight.

Did_No_Wrong: What's crazy is that he actually perfectly translated Vergils combos from DMC 5. I can see these skills and easily point out which Combo he's using

airget: It's wild that SE could literally PRINT MONEY if they just had a subset of mog station items that were animations/effects that you could alter your abilities with.

Then to add to it, have some unique ability animations than can be unlocked through achievements/content. A way to flex achievements/goals and bring some unique flavor to your characters abilities.

threestars2164: Better than dawntrail in its entirety. What are the devs at SE doing?!

BHPicasso: Papachin is such a goat dude why haven't they hired him

Cocytus127: Square has no idea how much money they would make if they took the time to create animation and graphic overhauls and sold them in the mogstation.

SniperKing-O: "Virgil, Virgil, VIRGIL!!??" - Xenos "Lord Baldicante" Vex

SuguSugux: papa being the ONLY modder in my opinion with the highest quality mod.

while i dont like that he pay walls it. hot take i know . (and yet i dont even use the mods) i respect the time and effort he put into his works

melissas4874: I can't wait to download this mod so I can turn it off while I'm raiding so I don't screw up while doing mechanics.

SgtChrisCross: I'm more excited from something like that, than official game updates at this point.

Feb 10 2025


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