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This job was deleted from the game FFXIV History Summoner

inoob26: Larry forgot about the part of history where the Summoner dong grows increasingly larger and then it didn't

FrozenSolid90: Summoner and Astrologian

The two horsemen of "We have no fucking idea what to do with this Job".

arsenicbug1537: Everyone saying they don’t miss dots didn’t deserve them.

Hyskaris: "don't pull yet"


"aetherflow cd, wait 30 more sec"

Tardisntimbits: I miss having my chimkin nugget save dungeon parties when the tank died. I miss you, tanky nuggie...


"when? Now?"

earthwarren6143: I mean, Garuda deciding not to do what you want does sound very

thebrave9971: I can only imagine the severe whiplash of joining the game back in ShadowBringers, fall in love with summoner, and then the severe whiplash of the job getting fully changed in EndWalker and lose interest in the job because of losing the identity.

...Oh wait, that was me

megawaffle612: The easiest way to say it is “I don’t miss old summoner but I miss the ideas of what it could have been”.

SynodicScribe: Job identity kinda got lost in the sauce over the years. lol

shadcroly: I very much remember Titan tanking Ramuh EX. The idea was that Titan took less damage from Ramuh's attacks because the devs wanted to make sure your pets could actually survive boss mechanics. It was very silly, thought I do also miss Titan being able to take overworld enemies for me.

marcoklepsky: once again as a fellow summoner player for like 10 years, we've got equal qualification here...

here's a fun fact! i have a macro with the icon for bio that just puts /echo "please.... i miss her" in my chat 14 times

tatersalad76: Ngl I miss all the DoTs on Scholar a little more than all the DoTs lost from Summoner. Still have entire cross-hotbars filled with dead skills as my "job graveyard"

Also the audacity of Yoshi P's team to take Shadow Flare from us and give it to Hades for his trial

skeith452: They didn't just "tied it off to another class" though. Arcanist was also new to 2.0. So putting two jobs on the same class was a conscious decision from the start.

WeskAlber: I knew no summoner players who acted like they liked

Zytyx13: I miss back when sch and smn were dot mages with different focuses. I know it was janky but it was my janky dammit!

Eeehnamesarehard: I miss job quests, smn's could have been unlocking past summons. A Ramuh, Shiva, leviathan rotation into Alex or bismark would have been sweet. There are so many ways to di it, and make it make sense.

lukastreurnich4340: I didn't watch the Endwalker Job Trailer, so I had the biggest wiplash when I went on Summoner and saw that everything was different. I thought I was having the most surreal dream in my life. And belts, don't know how I feel about them being gone.

Redge.: Dots bane was so much fun. New Summoner's concept is better, but the gameplay has no challenge.

orpheustelos23: I adore the FFXIV design philosophy of reworking jobs for the people who didnt play them or care about them completely shafting those who did. It's my favorite.

SkepticalChris: I miss the classic pet class. It was fun using a Titan-EGI to occasionally off tank when you had a bad healer-tank combo that couldn't keep themselves running.

And also doing fates was nice with a healing chocobo and a Titan- tank going around doing all the work for you.

mooleemooplays: As someone who has also been a SMN main since it came to us in ARR.

I also miss shadowflare and my dots... I just wish SMN had the potency increases it deserves. Should never be in the bottom 5 of lowest DPS ever.

Skyztamer: Stormblood era imo was the peak design for Summoner and Scholar; especially on scholar I miss my DoTs. I've had to get my DoT spam fix in GW2; although in that game any combat profession can focus on DoTs or strike damage depending on whatever build you're going for.

Osteichthyes: I wouldn't mind old SMN style back....just....not SMN. It never really felt like SMN, or at least, nothing compared to FFXI's SMN (still the peak....with a lot of jank).

A new job with themes actually revolve around poisons and miasmas and....bio's.

crayyonnyadrav4055: And most of the mobs had a really good way to debuff all of your DoT dmg: they died.

oEXTRA: The dots were cool but personally I prefer actually summoning. It just needs more summons and complexity. Definitely didn't need solar Bahamut lol.

MassDe5truction: The kids will never understand the joy of mass dotting and tanking a dungeon with Titan when your tank dies or leaves, or the pain of it dying and having to resummon. And then having an intense but satisfying rotation. Now we just play with Lego.

KatekaYuka: i still remember when i was a baby sprout between shadowbringers and endwalker, arcanist was my 2nd job i took to check it out, and when we moved to endwalker, i didn't watch any job updates, my honest reaction was "wait where my bio, why carbuncle is not attacking"

SleepyOmel: I miss 3.0 everyday, i wish i could go back and love it more than i did

Arvemis: I miss old summoner so much. It was janky but it was my beloved little janky job. I enjoyed it so much in shadowbringers

Yuri98: I don't miss old SMN. I do miss good old green-DPS Scholar tho, we inherited all of their DoTs and cool stuff like Shadow Flare! Yay shared class!

Now Sage is the new cool green-DPS job and we're left with nothing. WE CAN'T EVEN FLY, DAMN IT!

Astrumplayez: Old summoner was best summoner. even with the spaghetti code.

Oct 26 2024


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