richardwicker8456: the reward better not be materia like criterion
nataliet4293: The reward? A 1/50 chance of a boot that makes your thighs thicker.
xago2021: The mfs asking for Savage Alliance raids are the same ones who haven't learned the Deathgaze Hollow fight and die every time.
(It's me, I'm mfs)
loupinconnu: Xenos is too scared to admit those are the E9S tiles with meteor soaks on them
mineking298: DRS was fun, but funding a group for it due to the shitty rewards otside of the first time, is hard
jansteyaert1: Let's be honest, this chaotic raid is going to be gated by discord communities, giving you timeslots on when you're allowed to go in. BA vibes all over.
MarcusMaybenot: Zepla was malding about the no trash mobs lol, I hate trash mobs too tho..
chef416: Not a fan of the new midcore. Chances are it's gonna be yet another fill out this form to join style piece content like BA and DRS that ends up only working when run through a Discord community. I don't know who wanted this, but it definitely wasn't me or anybody I've ever interacted with. Don't know why they're doing this instead of making criterions actually good.
networknomad5600: Sometimes I miss FFXIV, and then I read the latest update and feel vindicated in my choice to quit.
Lyn685: I hope the rewards are interesting
lecrab8090: This is definitive proof that top raiders have no fucking clue what midcore actually means.
Oct 08 2024