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This FF14 Cloud Strife Mod is Perfect Xeno Reacts to FFXIV Illegal Mods

pressheart64: Square just needs to embrace modders at this point. Have "official" mods that have been vetted and let us install from an in-game menu.


Probably because the hiring requirements are kinda fuckin' goofytown. You gotta be an extremely fluent Japanese speaker, have (ideally) lots of MMO experience AND are able to move/live in JP. And there's no "missing requirement but we like you" rule. They won't pay for JP lessons, they won't hire you if you'd work remote, they're not doing anything like that.

Which is a shame because at the end of the day cosmetic addons where you can have new animations or effects for jobs would go NUCLEAR.

livingreverie5951: It’s crazier how this the guy’s first mod

Man just showed up on Archive / YT

Dropped a video of the mod and readily available for download and install

I’m excited whatever else he’s cooking

KZorander: I'm so glad to see this one, it's a fantastic mod (just the weapon mod that turns EVERY SAM WEAPON INTO ITS DRK EQUIVALENT is worth the money!!) and it came out the same day as Papachin's new Vergil mod. I'm so glad to see it's not getting overlooked!

SuguSugux: i love paid mods

this mod is being charge as the same amount as 1 month of 14 sub lmao

sneakytrip6594: I can't believe I hadn't thought of looking for a Buster Sword mod for Dark Knight until now.

stefawn_v: Holy shit all these moves are identical to rebirth/remake and done SO well holy shit! Wow! Makes me want to play this shit game again

Spookalypse: Cmon, Square Enix, break the fourth wall and hire these talented modders!

airget: It is comical that SE would print money if they did visual things like this that players could by for their characters to stick out. imagine unique Limit Break mods that you can just use on any Role that pertains to X Role. Unique DPS(Range/Melee/Mage), Healer and Tank Limit Breaks that you could use for gposing or just to show off lol

zephyrus7258: Please se just hire these people already!

Lockmane: I'd never play with illegal mods, but i heard from my cousin that it's really fun to use.

katerinaquinn5482: This is a perfect example of why I think square should find a way to block 100% all add-ons and mods. So that nobody can have them because quite frankly if every gamer can't have this no one should

magicman25103: the fact that Cloud could be the basis of an actual class in game is what blows my fucking mind. Devs have ALREADY set a precedent of taking a character concept and building a job around that (Paladin, Dark Knight, Pictomancer, etc.), so a job based on Cloud, involving the use of a bulky Sword that uses abilities that take full advantage of that heaviness would be insane.

Picxalate: This is insane. Prayge they make a DRK version.

NoxKat-ku7or: GENKAI WO KOERU!!!

Glenningway: SAM could use some big swords. Closest you can get is the one from Stormblood.

PrinceArtemis: WHY can't dark knights wield their greatsword like that..

carlosmagana6365: They should do jobs related with the franchise characters so this online games can have tributes to previous games so they will be more attractive as well

vandalrabbit2338: Thank you for teaching us what to avoid, my liege.

TacoRemixx: Excellent illegal mod against terms of service my liege!

Hermitsage_IX: Soldier as a tank job would be tits

animecrystal9: Fun mods but better if it was a alternative in game for classes too have for fun that you see but limit it too who can see or how much so it dont breaks there side of game with lag

leatherDarkhorse: If square steaight up 7:3 profit on these mod they make bank lols

gnarcissist7669: If only ffxiv was a good enough game to even warrant the effort of mod installation

Aranexorsist: This can’t be on dark knight because then you wouldnt have omnislash as a limit break

Feb 16 2025


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