xTunafishx: I know a guy who only plays FF14 for the crafting and marketboard. He has no idea how to play most jobs, and has skipped all story. FF14 is his economy simulator and nothing else.
leilanalseides1815: "I'm going to" "TREMBLE" "Shut up Lahabrea" got me good XD
Gunthersby: I do not understand why Island Sanctuary exists
Advertised as a chill place to relax, it's actually a super grindy chore list with barely any incentive to show up for 5 minutes once everything is maxed. "Your own island", my belt
St4rDustSpirit: I'm a casual player who is also an Omnicrafter who crafts every single weapon, armor, and jewelry for my MSQ friends. Crafting is my favorite thing to do in this game.
Riplee86: Casual player here, crafting is my favorite thing to do in this game. Years of WoW's...lackluster crafting system has made me appreciate 14's very in depth and rewarding system.
jessicawilson1751: I love how there's a quest name in the background called "Child Labor" while the lala crafts.
Also, I have all of my gathering and crafting job to 100. I'm not a hard-core crafter, but I liked having crafting maxed level so I could craft gear while leveling my combat jobs.
Soress9: Splendorous tools has a rather interesting storyline for it. I enjoyed it and sadly many people might not have even known about it due to not being that level of crafter
arathain2: I'm a casual omnicrafter. Got all crafters and gatherers to 100. I do it almost entirely so I can access the story content, and so I can do Cosmic Exploration and similar. I like crafting well enough, but I get my fill of it during the leveling process/
FuyunobanaMitsuki: i unlocked warrior so that maybe one day i can run a dungeon with u as my healer
Shadow_OA: Casual Player reporting! I tend to craft mostly for the sake of crafting, but my dumb butt got the idea to make like...every trial furniture that exists to eventually place into my future home. Catch me casually chipping away at that goal in between leveling cues and the like.
BiskeTheBeast: I became omnicrafter last expansion but this is the first one I have bothered having current ilvl gear for it. Making preparations so I can craft the tanking set to hit savage pf earlier this time.
ToastedNups: I'm an omnicrafter but I only tend to get my crafting/gathering bis at the start of the expansion and then wait till the .5 patch to get the next set of bis for the next expansion and repeat! In that time I work on the previous expansions crafting/gathering relics
GingerSid: I have done nothing but crafting since 2.5. I am a 3 time saint of the firmament title. Consider those who I went up against on its leader boards, I have no doubts there is many, MANY high end crafters casual as well.
xyzsophi: earlychads rise up
KatastrophicNoodle: I'm a filthy casual free trial player and I do crafting. For me, it's about seeing that little tick next to the item in the crafting log thing. Beautiful.
Rotaretilbo: Weekly progress report: Lalachievements score 18,405. It's been a few weeks, so I've made a bit more progress.
First, I finished pushing WHM and SGE to 100, and picked up I Got the Magic Stick X and Do No Harm III. I also finished pushing NIN and RDM to 100, and picked up Come on, Rogue X and How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes VI. I then pushed VPR to 100 to eliminate conflicting Scouting gear, and picked up Viper Way Your Tears II. For combat jobs, I'm currently now working on BLM and PCT via Frontline and Pelupelu, to eliminate conflicting Casting gear, and WAR, DRK, and GNB via MSQ roulette, to eliminate conflicting Fending gear. In the process, I've picked up Hounding the Rock III, one of various map-specific do-the-objective Frontline achievements.
I also finally pushed FSH to 100, picking up Gone Fishin' X and consequently Mastering the Land VI. And the way I did that was via Ocean Fishing, wherein I picked up On a Boat II and Denizens of the Sirensong Sea. In the meantime, I've been trying to knock out the HW large-scale fieldcraft leves, which has netted me With Axe in Hand I, and I picked up The Customer Is Always Right: Adkiragh V while doing my weekly custom deliveries. Finally for crafter/gatherer, I grinded out Mining Your Own Business: La Noscea III.
Other than that, I picked up Snowdrops on Roses for the Valentione's Day event, for all that matters. But I also picked up Tipping the Scales and A Worthy Adversary, two achievement FATE chains in HW that I'd neglected because they don't get the same treatment as Behemoth or Foxxy Lady or what have you, but also aren't practical to solo. In this case, the GE wiki was doing them because we didn't have the dialogue or post-stat squish XP for the FATEs recorded, so it was fun to get to play with some of the other contributors.
And that's about it for achievements. In non-achievement news, I finished my ARR relic for PLD. In this instance, I was trying to put together a PLD glam, and was showing friends various ideas I had, and expressing frustration that there aren't really many proper (thin) longswords with subtle glow effects (Aettir would look so much better
mangekyomaster12: I have 700 hours in the game and I’m barely halfway through stomblood because I got so distracted with crafting and gathering that I took almost a year to get to heavensward. I don’t know if I’m casual or not because I only play for a bit after work. But crafting is awesome and I have had to actively stop doing it to progress the plot
SAI-Max_D: I'm more of a casual player in the sense that I've been taking my time going through the MSQ and various side content (still only halfway through Heavensward's post-game) and while I have been giving the omni-gathering omni-crafting life a go my main motivator was simply because I hoarded too many drops, materials, etc. to the point that I've pretty much filled up my inventory, amoury, saddlebag and BOTH retainers...
After a full month of focusing entirely on filling out all the crafting & gathering logs—with some progress on my reputation with the Ixali & Moogles on the side—whilst desynthesizing and/or selling off any materials I no longer require, I have finally managed to check off all [standard] recipes from levels 1-45 (sans Culinarian 'cuz the number of resources per recipe scares me) and my overall storage space is... still packed to the rafters...
I think I might have a problem...
..., but at least I'm enjoying the experience ( T v T )
calet6532: Still enjoying the series, no matter the pace. thanks for the uploads.
uzephi: I got all DoH/L to 100 before my second job hit 100. I dont have a full 720 HQ set, only a few pieces, rest is 690 HQ pentamelded except tools. They only have 2-3 materia for now.
Crafting/Gathering is the best investment for easy income. I already doubled what i spent leveling with minimal gathering. Just crafting leather from skins my battle retainers give me and whetstones from my miner when im not restocking alumen. Also, being able to make glamours like the pajama sets (WVR X) is some good side money also.
Edit: I originally aimed to get crafters to 100 for easy melding and cheap repairs. ('free' dark matter with GC seals instead of paying to repair) The 'passive' income is just a bonus. Finding which leathers and whetstones sell the best was trial and error, but now that i found what my server's market wants consistently, its nice and steady income.
BabyShenanigans: I use my island to make lots of money from dyes. Also, you can sell excess materials if you get close to cap, and use those cowries to buy dyes!
jenbelowzero: > Crafting video
> "Child Labor" sidequest on the left side
I shouldn't laugh, but I'm getting a little giggle out of that.
merlana3479: I"m casual when it comes to crafting. I have all but one leveled to max. The reason to make glam and furnishings I want cheaper. Sometimes its cheaper to buy the item I want but I have saved gil by making it myself. I also make easy crafts to get gil.
Mar 03 2025