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These Guys Made FFXIV Even Harder

Arthrexx: To go through those fights again as if they were current content. The dream. Square, give all old raids and trials the unreal treatment and put them on a weekly rotation!

neneppie: Look mom I'm on TV!

Min ilvl may not be perfect, but it is a pretty good approximation for anyone looking to experience the fights the way they were, at least mechanically.

At the time of recording my group and I found the fights to be just the right amount of challenging, albeit a bit frustrating at times... That said, Downscaling has intrigued me for some time now, and I've been trying to get the rest onboard :p

Thank you for the showcase

bolladragon: Are you guys joining the world first run? If so, I’m rooting for you guys!!

shadowofchaos725: I do love trying to make the content hit as hard right in your gut as it was on content. I have a soft spot especially for your first example (E2S) as Eden's Gate was my first raid tier.

But aren't we exchanging "the experience" for the inaccuracies of stat syncing down with the comfort of the level 100 kit? You'd have access to mits (like Expedience) and other skills that would tune it in favor of the player, just like padding that extra substats that syncing down, no? Same with the level difference having the boss miss some of its autos on the tanks from time to time.

Not trying to invalidate the fun at all. Just wanted to point out the necessary nuance as both an enjoyer of the min ilvl checkbox and "unsync but use appropriate gear" method that we are exchanging certain aspects and inaccuracies for a smoother experience but inevitably fall short of the holy grail of the on content experience that is inherently unachiveable.

I'm not sure if it's just me misunderstanding the point made in the intro, but I don't understand criticizing the checkbox in game option being innacurate to the experience and going in with a level 100 kit that gives you more "power" on jobs that existed at the time with new skills.

TL;DR from the discussion and reply thread below:

"There's fun to be had here. And I don't think it's intentional... But there's some nuance here that need to be made clear here instead of just saying 'it's a more accurate experience' when there's small things at level 100 that fundamentally change the entire experience than just tuning your stats lower by stripping item slots to nothing to compensate."

HunterMask1507: They surely made the game harder

deinhien7296: actual answer to who madeen is if you care, it's one of the summons from ffix

bathersbestie8986: Thanks for sharing! It's not content I enjoy from your channel, but I'm super looking forward to your summary of FRU!!! Your DSR one was spectacular.

TheScreamingIdiot: Every tier I try to convince my static to do this. And every tier I fail. Surely, it'll work after the next tier

charnotaurus2665: Yeah we used that spreadsheet for eden savage too! I actually started in shb so I never had the chance to try em, but holy fuck having your 100 toolkit getting your teeth kicked in by shiva is mad fun. I'm just cranky that as a tank?? e8s specifically - I use my stun. I ACTUALLY USE MY STUN. I USE A ROLE ABILITY BESIDES REP AND RAMPART. I should not be as excited about that as I was but BRUH IT WAS COOL! Cuz how often do I get to kick something in the face and stun it??? And that's only a TINY portion of the fight as a whole but it still made me go WOAH cuz 99% of role abilities just aren't used in raids which is INSANE to me. Anywayyyyy LMAO.

We did a different lights rampant cuz we immediately got hit with IM NOT DOING FUCKING ILYA STRAT from the one guy who did it while current LMAO. It was just N/S rotated clockwise after first proteans to E/W, so to start, orb players would have theirs BEHIND them and would bait first protean, then nyoom through middle and play chicken with balls to the face and pop orbs. Second towers bait second proteans and soak ect.

zy-x: Big fan of KT, Theo and Noober

Nov 26 2024


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