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The Honey B. Lovely Progging Experience FFXIV

zextthenomad2916: Omg I just realized he died mid fight and had the liberty to sing and dance to the music. Then he got a revival and went back to business.

amberorion1549: The ears flopping up and down sells the mood so well

ThePoshPanda: I love the stop motion feel to this animation a lot. Good job!

latias347: What a handsome character! I love how his ears flop while he's bopping along

aaronsound: This is so well done! subbed, thanks!

yabbles617: Honey B Lovely: "Who's my obedient little bee?"

Literally everyone: "Me! Me! I am!"

gunmarano8692: maaan i had to scroll thru my history to come back to this. literally living in my mind rent free. the stop motion with your character is so charming!!!!

Zinioul: The little smirk afterwards is just so cute!!

dawne121: This is animation is so cool!!! And I can definitely relate

ShadowmancerLord: Bro out here existing at 8 FPS

Boxkar24: This animation was well done, but my god is that song annoying lol. I have no idea how you folks stand it XD.

Aug 12 2024


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