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The Future of FFXIV ft. Jesse Cox

GreenTeaKP: The best post Dawntrail Story-Talk so far. I hope we get to see more of this instead of "top 5 things I didn't like about Dawntrail". Cheers Endy

VorpalVixen: I think post EW did the “mentor” thing WAY better than Dawntrail. I didn’t feel like we were ever really a mentor to Wuk Lamat; we were kind of just trailing along, even the Scions barely interacted with her compared to Zero.

And then there were just so many situations where it felt like the WoL would have DONE something because the stakes were too high, or because their reflexes should have kicked in.

Instead, we might as well have not been there for 98% of the MSQ, and it really took me out of the story and detached me from my character because they were acting like a cardboard cutout rather than my WoL.

Auron200004: I haven't written off a Void expansion. Imagine doing a reverse Shadowbringers where we arrive at a floating island of a zone and spread light, unlocking the full size of the zone.

Tylendel_: mentor of what?? are you ok? What did we teach her? - If you took us out of the story, things would have played out the same, if anything the Sions were her mentor. we were so far in the background we were that dog that was left in the car without the window down on a summers day.

MeSharkk: I'm eating a feast with what you both are cooking up. Hopefully we see more Endy and Jesse collabs in the future

PetarBladeStrok: I watched this live on Twitch. Absolutely loved the discussion. As to what I hope the improvements are for the next expansion and patches. It's the dialogue writing, which is considerably worse than ShB/EW, and character prioritization. Give everyone proper time & role or rather don't include them, if you're just gonna make them leave as soon as they appear. Otherwise, I really liked the Living Memory, but think it could've been executed better. Anways, I'm really excited for the future and I hope Ishikawa will be there to offer them more guidance going forward.

psionickender: I just want to say, after I finished DT, all I wanted was a discussion like this. Instead, I see just people hating on the game non-stop, not thinking about the possibilities and the new lore we got which could be used in the future. Is DT flawed? Sure! It's riddled with pacing issues and missed opportunities. But there is also so much that was established to look forward to. And when we actually got to play the game mannnn were those dungeons and trials fun and challenging in a good way! Thanks for this discussion. Love it. Want to see more of it rather than another video complaining. I had fun for what its worth despite issues I had with parts of it (which mirror yours!)

omircean: the Knights of the Azembly are here!

ngwoo: Jesse I know you really like the Ardbert comparison but we were nothing like Ardbert in this expansion. Ardbert thought he was saving the world, but wasn't. As a consequence he was never able to truly help anyone again. It tore him apart inside. When he had to sit there watching someone die he almost gave up forever. The Warrior of Light in Dawntrail actively chose to never help. Kidnappings, killings, mass murders, we just stood around and let it all happen because god forbid the spotlight is taken off Wuk Lamat for 30 seconds. Ardbert would see Dawntrail's Warrior of Light as the worst possible kind of villain - someone with the power to fix injustice but no will to do so. Dawntrail was not just a fumble, it was a cruel rebuke of every ounce of character development we've undergone since A Realm Reborn.

msaag5490: For all of Dawntrail's issues, Dinosaur Texas/Arizona with that beautiful day theme has to be the biggest vibes in a zone ever. That's like a child's badass imagination brought to life.

Sep 04 2024


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