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The Final Day, Endwalker MSQ FFXIV Endwalker Reaction

chrisaguirre5988: Yeah I think you missed the entire context of what Zenos was saying. He was not speaking to your character. He was speaking to you, the player. Why do you play games like FFXIV, why do you go into dungeons, why do you fight bosses, do trials, and fight ever more mighty foes? You do it for the fun of it, as an adventurer. You as a player know this to be true, that is why #1 is considered the correct answer. You can say you hate Zenos as a character, but what he said speaks to you as a gamer.

collnaris: this was PEAK endwalker. the walk so great

mournbladexcii7275: I still believe the teleporter showing up at the end was Zenos's dying wish since Dynamis allows you to will things into existence. There's no way it would have gotten there used otherwise really. You're literally dying having flashbacks before your eyes and he's like "no, you won, go home".

MrCharly780: As an ultimate raider the only option is 1, that I can't deny.

castoputa: When she fell to her knees in the elpis blooms my soul fell out of my body hehe, what a masterpiece! They nailed the landing

FaithfulInsanity: I feel like 1 is the only option for the last choice, zenos is just our character if we were selfish. We are still an adventurer at heart, even Alphi calls us it at the end

kevenmonge1390: “May you ever walk, in the light”

Goodbye Venat, rest easy

PneumaWHU: I love how quickly you go from happy to not being alone to nope, anyone but him

alyssaphillips1744: "Her song of hope she dances on the wind, higher, oh higher" every time this call to the end gets me.

bYTEfROGGy: It's finally here

markathkbo760: "Come back to Twitter. We dont want X." I too prefer the flawed little blue songbird over the hateful, black and white screecher of despair.

Sep 25 2024


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