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The FFXIV Healer Strike is Stupid

Rotomoo: The Omega Protocol is cleared without healers, no one bats an eye.

A warrior clears a dungeon with 3DPS and healers lose their shit.

Lmao this community.

AngelMeteor: Let's not forget that in Abyssos Savage, where Square decided to give Healers more things to do - they gave Healers more agency over the party more than the previous tier and previous expansion (because they listened to Healer feedback and implemented accordingly), we had an actual Healer shortage.

It seems clear to Square that the majority of healers cannot even handle the current kit when the content actually demanded for it, and now these Healers who has never cleared a tier on patch is demanding a more complicated kit.

EdgeKisaragi: As a miasma scholar back in the day, screaming for manashift, I resent saying that all of us wanted less DPS buttons.

RisfelVT: As a PF raider, I have seen and suffered healers quite literally not healing from not using their toolkit properly or any GCD healing, just to pad their logs. I know this might not have anything to do with the video itself, but the amount of complaining versus the amount of performing when playing the game is not even in the slightest. Not enough action and just a lot of complaining. The efforts of Xeems in a media tour dungeon run have very little to do with the regular player base and a lot of people don't understand that, so this outrage to me is just a vocal minority misinterpreting the intent altogether.

angelwenatchee9853: I'm cool with the healer strike. It means I'll get more instant Qs as a healer main.

pickit12345: Can't wait for Xeno to make a 30 minute reaction to this

machinshin2925: As one of the penta-legend ex-healer mains quitting because I'm bored with healer, you are absolutely right that the strike won't do shit to fix the problem. And it is mostly because people asked for this. But I can't help but think they've been set up, at least a little bit.

Healer isn't nice and approachable like dps. You can't just be shit at it and expect to be pulled through content (we all know those dps), because when you fuck up your (healing) rotation in higher end content, you (usually) don't get to keep going, it's just next pull. People want healer to be approachable though, so they've lowered the bar for casuals (not a bad thing, I fully support making msq fun for people). But since the game makes no effort to teach you to heal, you can't expect it not to impact other things.

Because the bar is so low in casual content, healers have nowhere else to learn but Extreme/Savage. That leads to people like me, who are happy to teach if need be, but would rather just not heal if it's not with someone I know already (or just act like I don't have a cohealer because it is legitimately easier than teaching some people), so pf starts seeing a healer drought. That leads people to try healing (because it's easy enough in casual content, it can't be that bad), complain it's too hard, and the cycle repeats.

Actual fixes:

1. Have midcore content to learn to heal. I'm begging, at least try to teach healers. DPS get enrages/burn phases in dungeons all the time. Tanks get busters in dungeons all the time. Healers don't get any real heal checks outside of high end content (even some of the Extreme/Savage heal checks are laughable).

2. Have ways to keep experienced healers happy and willing to teach/deal with people learning. The best way I can think of is an engaging kit, but at least try to make it so solo healing isn't an easier option.

3. Stop removing the ceiling to fix the floor. Actually though, you don't have to remove skill expression to make it approachable. It's okay for there to be a distinguishable difference between average healer and great healer.

4. Add in variety (this doesn't just mean to kits). As nice as it is to have so many healing buttons, it means nothing when you use 2 or 3 every 30 seconds, then just spam 1 button. Imagine your kit was just autoattack (the only thing most other jobs even come close to using as much) and a couple 30 second cooldowns that look really cool. It's bearable in short content, but once fights start taking 10 minutes, it's unpleasant.

Ririten: Stormblood healer was the most popular the healer role ever was, back when we had a second offset DoT, Miasma II, Shadowflare, etc. Nobody who was maining healers complained about us having a rotation. SE took our buttons away to appease casual players, but they bet on the wrong horse because now both casual and raiders are sick of the role. You say "make up your mind" like we chose to get rid of them. It's the Kaiten issue all over again. SE is listening to people who don't play the role, then are confused when people who do play the role are mad.

"You want to use more GCD heals but also want more GCD dps skills? What a contradiction"

My man, I mean this in the nicest way possible. You're a bit slow, right? Yes, I cannot cast two spells at once. However there is simply not enough incoming damage in this game to ever create a world where I wont have time for my filler skills. If there was, I never could have DPS'd in ARR or HW back when we only had one oGCD and we had to change to a whole different "mode" to do damage.

"Skill issue"

Hey man, I tried to look up your Pallas Athena kill. Is it on a different character?

CadeAid1: If you want the majority of heals to be on the gcd, then just go play level 30 ARR dungeons.

"I wonder if I can get another Stone out before being locked out of all healing for 2.5 seconds"

laurenlunamar4729: Ngl the strike doesn't make sense to me I like how healing is now and tbh if I wasn't in love with PIC I would be AST the overhaul is sweet! More diversity with cards! And NO RNG preying involved that is what I am maining PIC and submain AST

ArchieGamez: Personally if its an actual strike, people like that should have commited to boycotting the expansion by not even buying it and paying sub LOL

Plus, you need to sub anyways to post on the forums i feel hitting directly what SE wants the most (which is money) should be the correct way to send the message. If anything, this strike has 2009 COD MW2 Boycott energy lol (google this to know what happened)

Sluppie: Having a more complex DPS rotation for Healers is not going to encroach upon the BLM's ability to play. Not in the same way that WAR self-healing can make the Healer irrelevant.

stabegabe: The basis of the entire healer strike imo, is that healers should be much more heavily challenged on the purpose of their role (which is healing). No, even in savage or ultimate, I don't think you will find this. There is no HEALING difficulty in this game anywhere, period. Even in savage or ultimate, raidwides are more of a mit check (and the fact that TOP has been cleared without healers while ON PATCH, regardless of how difficult it was to pull off, just proves this point). Did your party use enough mits? If yes, party survives raidwide and then healers weave 1-2 ogcds and continue glare spamming. If no, party just gets 1 shot from full hp due to lack of mit. How often are healers actually challenged to keep up with raid damage? The only recent example I can think of is harrowing hell, and it does that for a whole of 10 seconds out of the entire savage tier.

I can counter your points with what I think those points in the thread are supposed to represent, or at least what they mean to me:

1. It's not that only healers should have healing abilities, it's that either A) other classes shouldn't have healing options so powerful that they negate the need for a healer in the first place, or B) Encounter design should take self healing into consideration and increase the amount of damage affecting the group to still justify the need for a healer being present

2/3. I don't really get your point here, it seems like you agreed but then tried to make some kind of argument about how, well healers aren't the only ones affected by homogenization, so the healers point is now invalid? Also BTW, healers probably wouldn't mind only having 2 dps buttons if they actually had to spend more time pressing their healing spells, the design of only having 2 dps buttons should signify it being an afterthought, something you only do when you can. But it isn't that, it's something you spend literally 95% of your time doing. IMO, this is grossly worse than any dps or tank rotational issues anyways... But either way, the discussion shouldn't be a competition of who has it the worst lmao, nor does this discredit the point.

4. I could make a million arguments about how square doing literally anything about ogcds instantly makes healers more interesting. Yes, even if you remove some, it at least gives healers the requirement to strategize and use their tools wisely. That is more engaging. They have a million ways to respond to any situation and there is no threat, how does that make for engaging healer gameplay? Square could remove ogcds, or heavily nerf them, or add substantially more raid damage to justify this many ogcds existing. The crux of the argument is that healers have all these tools, but they only serve to oversimplify any semblance of challenge involving the HEALING aspect of healers, while simultaneously having absolutely nothing interesting going on with your dps buttons, which is the only other thing you really can do. So it's boring.

5. In terms of easy content, it shouldn't be challenging yes. But it also shouldn't be braindead. I don't have much else to say here other than I think people should still have to at least somewhat pay attention in regular content. I do think they dumbed it down a bit too much and it should be designed in a way that can at least demand a little bit of effort from the player when they're having a battle, if anything it only serves to make the victory that much more impactful and enjoyable. I guess I also don't see what being story/narrative driven has to do with it being an mmo second? What does this have to do with the gameplay related to it? Plenty of story driven games have very difficult story content, some have very easy story driven content. I guess I just don't see how these two things coincide at all or would be used to justify the difficulty level the devs have decided story content to be at. It's okay for story driven games to punish mistakes, or demand the need for healers (and tanks) in a group.

Also yes, as a healer in high-end content, it is boring and does not challenge me in the ways I would like it to. Believe it or not, in terms of healing, it ACTUALLY isn't really that much harder than healing normal content. Hell I actually find it much harder to heal something like an alliance raid when people are dropping like flies left and right from dying to mechs. In a controlled, coordinated group, healer is hilariously bland. The challenge of doing this content as a healer stems almost entirely from your ability to perform mechanics correctly, NOT to play your class effectively and heal well. You are not challenged in terms of your role beyond optimizing your ability to spam glare and dia.

Jun 28 2024


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