pkmnswampmaster: Blue mages be like: I'll give you 3 seconds, and that's 3 more than what I usually give.
Gat720Dua: Time to wait for a whole day for that FATE to pop-up again.
xxJing: Dual Wielding gunblades while dressed like Lightning. I think that may be the most chuuni thing I have ever seen.
arseneronan9186: sees a duel weilding gunblade
NotTheWheel: unrealistic.
Where's the blue mage oneshoting everything?
Ivory_Mist: Didn't know I needed a dual wielding gunbreaker until now. :O
knives0112: The baby cry at the end with the Lala. Chef's kiss
miqotesoulia8620: O_O; i like the way maiden move. stellar editing! sound effects were crisp!
doinyourdad_6969: Blue mage when i catch u blue mage blue mage when i catch u blue mage when i catch you blue mage
emeraldpichu1: No one told them to take three minutes on the scenic route
Jul 02 2024