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The Dungeon with 12 Different Endings Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV 36

yunosayaka9718: Hi , youre Cider Spider , and im on a journey to watch you get every available achievement on Final Fantasy 14. This monumental level of procrastination takes countless hours of watch time over the span of several videos , and im taking it on one view at a time.

Coolio_Ash: The Smile at disconnecting is so funny

abigboxywhale: Smile is the best choice for the energy of this video

DududeDude: worth mentioning that fighting the secret fourth boss you also unlock a sidequest in ul'dah that is worth another achievement.

hauntedmasc: Yeah... I did all three Variant dungeons over the course of 3 (very long) days. On one hand, they were pretty interesting, but on the other hand, I'm very

DacianGradaMusic: Not sure I'd classify the Variant rewards as "diminutive". There's some sweet glam that if you take the time to grind for on day one it can give some nice profit as well. There's also a bit more incentive to run them because of the random drops like minions, furnishings and parasols. Then of course there's the unique mount for all endings.

Overall I'd say they nailed the reward structure with Variant specifically, it's Criterion that misses the mark since given its difficulty (some mechs are savage-adjacent already in the "Normal" mode): you barely get anything for the coins and you can't even earn them in the savage mode either. The mount is neat, but everyone asked for some extra gear options even if it were 5 ilvl behind the current tier, hopefully that improves in Dawntrail because the idea itself is pretty neat and the combat design is dope too.

markup6394: At some points those disconnects were really, really bad. I dont even know if its just localised... but I had them, too, and had to logg off for the day.

HayTatsuko: The completion mounts for the Variant Dungeons are all fantastic. For me, those alone were worth the effort, but getting some pretty neat glam pieces and emotes was also pretty nice! I did almost all of them solo. Entirely possible thanks to the Variant Actions... did all of mine as Red Mage. No sweat. Except that one time the hardest boss of Sil'dihn gave me 5 vuln stacks.... that didn't go so swell...

starlightbreaker561: the Silkie is actually the puff on the tail, the rat's dead jim

GamingFoodie: Playing the DT ending song every time you DCd was hilarious. Seriously my heart goes out to you sorry you're having a rough week.

brianmah5965: Tremble: Queues up

Burred11: Zlatan looks like he messed up the emote chain for the 12th ending.

skkadi2817: As one of the 12 criterion enjoyers I’m ecstatic you’re trying these out! Criterion is my favorite content to heal (as a WHM main) because the responsibility 90% falls on you alone, and you don’t have to worry about adjusting for a cohealer. Sure the rewards aren’t great, but the content itself is a lot of fun and the community is nice and helpful.

bananagher7555: The real defense of the royal Treasury was the hidden lag switch

Aug 02 2024


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