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The Downside to Being a Lalafell in FFXIV

pelican4198: Lala may get small houses only they can go in but they also gotta watch out for Holes. Equivalent exchange-

uberpinkwarrior: female au ra can also fall through those, funnily enough.

SinDemon: This pairs incredibly well with that short where Jesse expounds the joys of the Lala Life

unitjax9507: He fell for one of the classic blunders!

msaag5490: The perfect short counterpart to the one about how good Lalafells are.

ericbright1742: I don't know if it would have been funnier if a creature turned and ate him the moment he landed.

ZenoKage: Don't feel bad I play as a hrothgar and I fell through that same hole xD

Alissandre_Iskander: As a hyur, I fell through, too.

RisqueBisquetz: it's so funny how when it comes to avoiding damage every character will share the same 1 pixel, but they still make the model's and landscape's collision "makes sense" lol

xstep3535: Lala FELL

ZiroZenStudios: 95383 damage, I’d not be surprised if Lalas took extra fall damage

Raidousin: Everyone falls through that you have to jump over it

TakahataStrify: If it can be of any comfort, my viera in her big ass regalia car fell through that same hole

Aug 09 2024


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