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So, Is Your Job FUN in FFXIV Dawntrail?

ProfessorBalth: I wonder if Rinon attended the Dawntrail media tour. Be cool if they had.

pozziellen: Oh, is this the guy who was lucky enough to get an invitation to Media Tour?

reallightfield5314: Solar Bahamut was so underwhelming that rinon straight up forgot it was called that, lol

XShrike0: I know healers are supposed to heal but, there is some content that healing is so easy, that it gets boring only having really only one attack button.

nebula8851: Dancer doesn't actually need anything other than more proc gambling. The job just works.

MayanGodofTacos: I’ve been trying to tell my friends that the changes to the BLM fire phase aren’t going to make things easier for casual players and it feels like at this point my issues are just being brushed off

awesomeuno1: Not the notification saying "Is your job GOOD in dawntrail"

moogleboy: I can't see BLM getting Ice Paradox back, but I hope they nix Fire IV giving stacks in favor of Paradox and Despair giving three each. This would give BLM the option to shorten their fine line depending on kill time without losing a Flare Star or Manafont cast.

valence686: More to do in burst is nice and all, depending on the job, but what's the game is currently seriously lacking for a lot of jobs is actually engaging filler mechanics in between besides 11111 or 123123...

DarthRayban: I completely agree on SMN. The (non) changes are so underwhelming...

jmpbus5086: Tanking's core issue is that it never makes you make a decision between doing damage or mitigating damage. What I mean Is that no mechanic in the game or series of attacks ever forces you to use a resource on mitigation or healing that could otherwise be used on damage. It's really feels at this point an easy DPS role.

Honestly the most fun i've had when tanking in mmos is the moments that me/my group have optimized our resources so well that i can spend on high damage....that and boss positioning doesnt really matter anymore so tanks dont do much unique other than take busters

medellpr: You are ( insert positive vibes) person

jezer8526: 'To make new jobs, we need to kill old jobs.'

matthewwysong644: Hot Take: I perfer current Inner Chaos for the 'WHOOMP'.

bigbressler1968: Im really happy with the PLD upgrade to sentinel. Paladins in other games have damage shield abilities and not really having one aside from divine viel felt like just the thing we were missing from PLD

SynodicScribe: And here I thought they couldn't make playing Dark Knight more boring.

FFXIV is the only MMO I've played where I'm paying the devs to continuously take away things from my favorite jobs every expansion. lol

xylune9684: Only thing I dislike about new monk is how it's become a "simon says" job between bursts, it tells you exactly which of your 6 combo buttons you need to press now with the glowy button, taking your stance and gauge into mind automatically.

drob8220: Given both sages and scholars level 100 abilities, how strong do we think SCH SGE will be in week 1 progression?

toodleselnoodos6738: The Healer 100 skills show Pure/Barrier split didn’t work out as well as they thought.

TacetCat: I'm loving the community nicknames for skills this time around. Your "America Button" and the "Pride Tunnel" from Mr. Happy are top tier.

Jun 21 2024


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