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Secrets You Mightve Missed in FFXIV Dawntrail

red5robb1: For the eye thing. YoshiP during a live letter i think showed off that NPCs would have their eyes move like that. He said something like its something so minor most people would never notice it, but he was proud and wanted to show it off

eiriksundby: btw. the curious corn quest is available at the start of MSQ

g4b354: As of DT, if you submerge your character partially in water, your clothes will become partially wet at the depth they were submerged instead of uniformly the moment you touch water.

Arupaca128: Bakool Ja Ja, my beloved.

Blaktimus: The story has really deep implications about preserving memory in data so your solution 9 secret might be way more profound than I thought. Very good.

PlodyIce: The kid and father thing i saw in the maincity on top of some area and i had to stop for a while and think about sooo many stuff essential when the kid laughed .... man that hit sooo deep

MoonBearization: Some thing my friends had missed that i noticed is the name of the final boss in the 99 dungeon was the same name as the twins father (the two pink girls Nostalgia and I cant remember how to spell her sisters name)

vulcwen: the sound for that baby mamool ja <3

Varizen87: Genolt is obviously a reflection of Gerolt and Grenolt, and of course the Rowena counter park. Genolt avoids her entirely going so far as to never leave the recreation district so as not to encounter her.

I am almost positive Otis is a reflection of Hildebrand. They have the same face though Otis has scars. But there is an underlying goofiness to Otis seen in area 6.

steveh1474: the gemstone trader in tuliyollal is modeled incorrectly. hes got hoobigo head with boonewa body! hes bicolor just like the gems!

slavkei: Petition to replace all lalafell character models with baby Mamool Ja character models

dionaea97: my goodness that baby mamool ja <3

axestump3590: The cornservant is avaliable along side the MSQ, if anyone want to do it along side MSQ whenever MSQ is about to end on that map (final quest of the zone will have aether current) the cornservant quest will already avaliable on that map (first 3 maps will be avalaible when first half of the map is about to end) , the quest name is obvious I can pick out his quest everytime.

Jul 14 2024


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