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Pictomancer Made EASY! Pictomancer Guide! FFXIV 7.0 Dawntrail

DrakeWurrum: Playing with Picto at first, I couldn't really figure out how to structure the rotation at first relative to how other jobs are played...

But then I finally managed to simplify it after getting used to the long cast times.

The "Moogle buttons" are oGCD charges that hit hard - so keep it from capping, and try to otherwise save it for raid buffs.

The "Hammer button" is your odd-minute burst. Use it on cooldown.

The "shooting stars" button is obviously your 2-minute. Use it on cooldown, line up with party/raid buffs.

All 3 buttons come with the caveat of needing to be prepared in advance by "painting" - don't wait to get the canvas painted or else your cooldowns drift. So "painting" is as much filler as your basic 1-2-3. You don't ever want to realize "Oh crap I need to paint the canvas" during the raid buff window.

White Paint shouldn't be spammed, but it also hits for less than the CMYK buttons. Save it for when movement is needed or when you're about to overcap, but otherwise save it for turning into Black Paint (to use during raid buffs)

CMYK combo (Anybody else notice the Y and M are BACKWARDS in the combo?!)

vineveer4358: Ah yes, the pictomancer Gaydge.

soulechelon2643: That poor paladin is getting drenched in rainbows.

devxved: During combat when theres a boss and a phase change isnt comming up the the weapon or monster paints are comming off cooldown, when is it optimal to repaint pictures? Whens a good filler time rather cause im struggling with that info.

WalterWhite-jz7ct: I love the Pride Gauge xD

DonaldTurner: PRIDE GAUGE!! copyright cole. forever!


mimavolo9606: Don't let the negativity get you down man, Your videos are always great, There is some chud grifter saying dawntrail is bad cause of wuk's VA and it's causin peeps to get really mad and political for dumb reasons, Your jokes are fine and i hope life treats you well!

psychosoma5049: I love the pride gauge

Jul 02 2024


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