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Oh no, Im sorry I was afk!finalfantasy14 ffxivmemes ffxiv finalfantasyxiv ff14memes ff14

Harrowing999: Had this in Thaleia recently. Tank didn’t wait for 6 new people to finish cutscene so the remaining 17 of us waited outside and laughed as he ate all 3 tankbusters lol

degenerate3634: Is always morally correct to finish the cutscene, sprouts!!!

Barishakhet: lol Damn right. The story in this game is banger and I will never make anyone miss even a second.

itsruby2843: I dont heal them until the sprout finishes their cutscene

raarasunai4896: Yeah, it’s very annoying when people don’t give a crap about people seeing the cutscene for the first time. Was helping a friend through the Crystal Tower raids, and despite saying at the beginning “Hey we have a first timer! Please wait for the cutscene to pull!” they just go freaking Leroy Jenkins and tell him to “Just use the Unending Adventure to see it later!”

Seriously, your 46 seconds are that vital that you can’t let a first timer who enjoys story above all else take the time to watch the cutscene?

Small-Kitty-Paws: Me a sprout healer. Meanwhile rest of the party starting boss fight and locking me out. Most enjoyable moment in my FF14 career so far

jasonschmidt8414: Always that one person that wants to rush through stuff as fast as possible like their life depends on it lol

waffle-234: As a sprout i sometimes feel bad for the person when this happens thinking it's my fault lol

spetsu1: I've accidentally pulled a boss not realizing the sprout was watching cutscenes before, I just let myself die, if I make a mistake and die I'm not upset about it.

ricosanchez5155: In older versions of the game, they wouldn't TP you after a while. The barrier would go up, and you'd be stuck!! The ones in the arena participate, the others WATCH!!!

derginadaydream: as the healer, not only do i let them die, but i also hardcast the raise

Aug 26 2024


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