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Nothing better than great DPS! finalfantasy14 ff14memes ffxiv ffxivmemes finalfantasyxiv ff14

kaetunkhlynne9883: I appreciate the DPS sync dance being the silliest one, because it's always amazing when they vibe but also when they get the cheekiest with goofy capers.

Nihonguy: Tank: *tear rolls down their face * its beautiful

IKMcGwee: I am impressed, lv100 bard is a proc hell, if you can nail those and not be a walking vuln stack, you've got my respect

blubunny2217: I feel like I can see them doing this dance over a healers dead body after they got out of the AOE in time lol

rebellyanmagic6409: Bonus points if the ranged remembers to hit Peloton between fights

terceleto: Had a brilliant expert run with PCT and BLM yesterday morning. The healer and I (tank) were both remarking on how fast the dungeon was flying by.

raarasunai4896: Hell yeah. Had a leveling run like this in Tower of Babil last night. The second boss didn’t even get to use his second attack that you need the panels to dodge.

prismfireproductions3772: Me: Plays Bard

Wife: Plays Samurai

erdnuzz8368: I agree, especially higher dps melts the adds down. They keep Healer and Tank out of the stress when pulls die fast, it adds a lot to the "dungeons happy train".

Don't underestimate you and your role, when you play Red!

michaelkeller530: Love it! So true as well I'm a Sam main and you can notice the difference in dps when everyone is on the same page.

No0neat: Wait. DPS can be in sync? I have never seen such witchcraft before.

Sep 10 2024


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