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New Raid Cosmic Exploration Screenshots From FFXIV KR Fan Fest

zeroblade9800: RIP to Aloha, will be remembered bud. Fafnir about to chomp on people and wonder if they'll make people stand on feet to survive. Those bots, black one has commander antenna :o (common mecha 'I'm the leader')
Xorua: We technically have a Fafnir in Eureka, but the lore around him is weird and it’s safe to say he’s a LOT less notable than Nidhogg, so they could totally give us a second Fafnir much like how we got a second Halicarnassus in Omega
aeolussvichi7680: Maat better be a boss.
JuniorMintz92: That definitely looks like a stargate.
GimmeTOKYO: So that artwork of Shades Crescent, the Korean title is just “Crescent Moon Isle/Island” so it’s very much FFV-inspired
elliondrk: Fafnir and Nidhogg had pretty much the same moveset.

The 3 biggest differences were: Nidhogg was capable of hitting everyone that didn't claim it. Fafnir could only hit the alliance that claimed (unless someone outside healed one in the claim alliance). Nidhogg also had full dispel on its Horrid Roar for the target that had hate. Fafnir was a single, random buff. Nidhogg also had a "2 hour animation", which was the sound, color flash on the model, and dust cloud, that would greatly increase its attack, defense and magic defense stats for about 30sec. This was able to be distinguished further as Nidhogg would keep its wings raised during the buff's duration as opposed to keep them on the side like normal.

As for looks, I think they're the same, with (maybe) minor color differences in the wings. I think Nidhogg's wing color was more vibrant, but I could be wrong on that.
Nezzeraj: No surprise, but the Korean 초승달 섬 means Crescent Island.
1337penguinman: PLEASE tell me we get the mech as a mount.
Enderlinkpawnu: Interesting they are bringing in Fafnir it would seem. They already used Fafnir as a Notorious Monster in Anemos, so there may be a possibility we may also be getting an Absolute Virtute rematch in one of these raids.
DanSikelia: I remember being a DRK holding Ridill and the Kraken Club... 2hrs madness! Fun times. I also remember a Thief doing his back attack on Fafnir and wiping the whole area :)

Oct 14 2024

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