anubisftn: Welcome to FF14!!! Thanks for sharing! Look forward to following you through your journey!
Shiirow: finally a man who gets it, sometimes you just need a lull to breathe, and the lead up to titan gives you that. the fetch quest style of storytelling at that point isnt the most exciting but thats the point, and it does have its moments.
LumpiBun: of us~...
GmaerXQ: Welcome to Eorzea! Glad I found this early, I eagerly await to watch your journey, Warrior of Light! :D
tehanu_k: I am glad to have found your channel as early as I did! It is an amazing feeling to watch a sprout take it easy and enjoy the story, paying attention to little details, coming up with his own theories….
Knowing what is to come, I can’t wait to see you laugh and cry on screen as you progress more and more, thanks for sharing your journey with us Redzy!
deathbyspeed2: Yes welcome indeed. I switched to ff14 from wow about a year ago. Altho the the MSQ is extremely long its worth every moment of your time. The entire game is phenomenal from leveling, crafting all the way through ultimate raiding. I recommend approaching FF14s MSQ as if it were a graphical novel or a tv show you bing watch. Just expect it ti take time. If you choose to skip the cutscenes and stuff you are only robbing yourself of an amazing experience. Ive laughed, cried and felt on the edge of my seat during the MSQ so it is well worth it.
TheKarishi: They double, triple, and quadruple down on making the boss fights into epic showpieces that demonstrate how much grandeur and pomp can be put into a single boss arena. From supporting plot-relevant mini-battles to enemies who can outright cut the arena in half, It Gets Wild. You've got some real treasures to look forward to as you venture forth.
TheLMBLucas: Oooh so you are still at 2.x... oh boi, you are in for a treat and lots of surprises
tiffk5768: ARR boss fights are nothing compared to later fights, you’re gonna have your mind blown
Miyao05: Just wait until you hit HW... then its not gonna be easy to stop LOL.
arcticjedimaster: Spoiler, it only gets better :3
Aug 28 2024