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New Players First LB3 Reactions! WoW to FFXIV Sprout Reacts

BabyShenanigans: The best part about the healer LB3s is that, when they're used, typically almost everyone is dead, and all looks lost. But then HEALER LB3 and everybody rises back to life and the fight immediately continues again. It's quite magical in those moments.

godsplayingfield: As others have said, PLD's wall is hold over from ARR initial release where lb3 was same for each role set, so both tanks (war and pld) had that wall. While I would like to see it have a bit more flare to it, I appreciate the call back and history to it. Plus, all of pally abilities get very shiny later lol

MagdaRantanplan: the healer LB look more cool if most of the party was dead and got raised by it, THAT is such an impressive sight.

Brysotope: It wasn't until later, (coulda been late ARR or HW,) where individual jobs got their own LB. All tanks had the wall raise, all melee had the monk fist, all mdps had the meteor, and all healers (and brd) had the healing LB. Once every job had their own LB, PLD was stuck with the wall, MNK was stuck with the fist, WHM was stuck (still pretty) with the cane, and BLM was stuck with the meteor (still great.)

Anyway, TLDR: PLD wall is a relic of ARR release.

earleebyrd: Reaper LB3 be like "Fuck this guy specifically"

ElitistAdam: Just a word btw. Paladin is Knight in JP. They are more based off that instead of the WoW paladin if you were curious as to why they just raise a wall.

WalterWhite-jz7ct: The caster ones are so good becasue we never get to use them :(

PriorHD: person in chat " astro has an astronomy theme " it's literally in the name, The more you know!

riftwalker9296: How could you skip warrior? The best tank LB3 around. You summon a freaking flaming mountain!

Playerk125: if you cast LB3 as a blackmage you are requiert to scream "EXPLOTION" irl for refrence look up "FFXIV - BLACK MAGE EXPLOSION"

randomcanadian6298: Honestly I think out of all the tanks PLD is my favourite tank LB. Paladins are basically protection incarnate, they fill the fantasy role of knights and castles, it's only fitting that their ability to protect is a literal bastion of protection being that they themselves are a bastion of protection.

Xelitaz1: He missed it, but I like how Bard takes a flourishing bow just as the arrows start to rain down.

kyledabearsfan: As a Dragoon main, when I LB, that music 100% plays. Can confirm. We are if Michael Bay directed a guy with a spear.

Jul 21 2024


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