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New FFXIV Ultimate Raid Made Me FAIL No Nut November

rekkterrekktum8655: Ummm....strummer.......I don't think showing a Lala in the first frame is a good choice, given the title of the video....

Mysterious_XIV: I don't think the LB gen change was something they thought of retrospectively for old ultimates. I think FRU had some kind of mechanic that was found in testing to be trivialized with stacked jobs. Something like BRDs being able to Esuna for example and they decided to change it now so they didn't have to "nerf" it later.

awtodor: As someone who played XI, yeah it's very cool. Jueno is one of XI's iconic player hubs. It's probably considered the "main" one.

This part of Jueno is Lower Jeuno. Theres 4 zones, Upper Lower and Port led to a differnt city states regional zones.

This isnt the Jueno music though, this is the music from Dynamis, which was one of the endgame systems that the shadowlord played a role in. It was alliances that you pulled stones and they spawned enemies with nasty moves if you didnt sleepga them.

Ru'Aun Gardens (The floating city with grass) for most FFXI players will be the biggest wow factor maybe Boyahda Tree. It was one of the primary zones for endgame you had to quest to access and basically you spent months there. It's one of the best zones imo ever made in FF and many know it in one word - sky.

Next alliance we may see "sea" which is basically an unbelievable zone as well depends on what they plan to do.

Prishe also on FF MMO art is incredible in 2024.

DJThomas59: Dont overestimate your average player. My alliance wiped to damage for halone after we killed the spears. They didnt even heal the peopple who got hit with the aoe. We were all shocked

evanczthehunter57: I mean, you're right. They need to stop making EVERY piece of casual content so fucking easy to prevent people from getting a rude wake up call upon stepping into EX and above.

AvengingFossilx: Editor did Xeno dirty with that title and thumbnail considering the ages of the characters lmao

bloodyDeagle77: Watch this be harder than TOP and require AM again. I'm not believing a single fucking thing Yoshi-P says. Their devs are so out of touch for so long now with how they design the game and what they chose to update. People ask for a friendslist update > nah bro we gonna give MAHJONG update. Literally the thing that nobody plays in NA and EU. Two of their most important regions and cashcows. Stuff like this. Devs don't even do their own fights besides God mode. I used to believe they do. But nah, hell nah they do not play their own game. They are completely out of sync with what the community wants and asks of them.

Church-i7q: None of the fucking Alliance raids are hard and that’s the issue with them. They need to make them harder for Christ sake, just a little bit harder so that I don’t fall asleep when I do them.

nodot17: I mean I've seen a few wipes to agalia... mostly to scale trolling but still

Wake me up when the tank accidently takes thundergod tether again

kman6004: Also, I feel like most people who think TOP is a bad fight are still just salty about the bugs. Guess what? The bugs don't exist anymore. The fight is actually extremely fun and rewarding to play, and no one will ever be able to change my mind on that. It's the hardest ultimate by far, and also quite fun.

Tyrbris: Concern

Nov 07 2024


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