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My Content Plans for FFXIV Dawntrail

MiaThorsteinsson: life happened, so I didn't prepare AT ALL, my bags are super bloated, I don't remember where I logged out, and didn't have time to prep a WT. Ohh well, I'm not really in a hurry, anyway :D

sarahstephens2002: WT completed and logged out in Ul'dah where the Viper quest should start.

I'm so excited for DT and I'm so glad you're still making content.

rookt31893: We all know she picked picto for the pick pun.

DizzyTreasures: So excited!! I feel like I'm sitting around just waiting for Dawntrail, not even wanting to play or do anything else during maintenance lol!

haydenkashima: What I plan is to actually try to make friends xD in the whole time I have played I never made a friend

Not that I have come across negativity, I just don’t talk, and it makes endgame group content very hard being alone

fe6uary: im so excited for dawntrail!! ( i havent played endwalker yet)

mrjelis2390: Prepped all the Sacks of nuts for hunts. Cleaned some inventory. Prepped the challenge log for ez exp turn ins. did Wondrous Tales. Logged out in Gridania ready to become a Pictomancer main! So very ready for DT.

PyGorka: I'M SO BORED!!!

taksangre: YAY!!! the hype is real!!

ImbaMelow: My goal is not to rush the story either this time! Cool hearing you're doing the same. I'm so excited already!

worldgrayeater: Can’t wait to see everyone in dawntrail! Hope you have so much fun with it!

Jun 28 2024


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