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My Biggest DPS Concern in FFXIV

HunterMask1507: As a Viper main, my biggest DPS Concern in FFXIV is having to press buttons, that is to difficult, how do they expect me to clear content?

SynodicScribe: Honestly I feel this way about the entire job system in FFXIV as a whole. As someone who's played since 1.0 I've watched the system grow, change, and reduce over the years and now many jobs just feel, boring. I feel this way about certain raid/encounter designs too.

I admit, I might simply be old hat and far to used to this MMO to ever be truly wowed by its gameplay anymore. But I can't shake this feeling that Job Design has become far to safe and bare bones to ever be considered inspired or exciting. And PvP is were the interesting job ideas go to die. lol

cutejustice: Phys ranged (probably machinist), DRK and healers:

enyaliosares4301: Ranged tax is archaic and stupid. It''s time to either make phys ranged a proper support role, or make mechanics to utilise thier movement. the other option is to sort their DPS out. The community would cry if they increased their DPS though

whodistoodis: I think classes have becoming overall to homogenized. While it would be a balancing nightmare, especially with how many jobs there are now, I wish that the jobs had more zany and unique attributes among them. I joked early on that Pictomancer was taking all the dev time away from the other casters, and its a point I've come to stand by, since Pictomancer has the kind of wild zest and unique playstyle that really feels unique amongst all the play styles.

pavfeira: HW really shook up rotations for a lot of jobs. While I didn't personally enjoy "remove p.ranged and turn them into casters", overall I enjoyed most of the creativity like Blood of the Dragon and literally everything SCH got.

Contrast this to DT where every change felt allergic to upsetting people. Here's an oGCD that won't mess up your opener. Here's a new demi-summon that takes the slot of your old demi-summon. WHOA let's not let SGE have two DoTs, that's too much complexity.

And it just brings me back to an interview from this year where Yoshi-P admitted that they were creatively paralyzed for fear of upsetting people. Fight design was incredibly safe. Here's some massive hitboxes so that melees don't complain (and in DT we'll remove that Noxious Gnash that makes your brain hurt).

A modern FFXIV dev team would not put out HW job changes, because they'd be too worried that I dislike HW BRD. Therefore, better to take no risks.

KalleDemos666: At the risk of getting toxicity thrown my way for saying this, lets also not forget that the Devs themselves are only doing what the community has been "LOUDLY" asking for, a good reminder is that thread that became popular where a single person couldn't beat the new Raids and blamed the devs for making the fights "As hard as savage", there's definitely a loud part of the community that only wants to focus on doing the bare minimum and that's the road we've been going through in the Job Department.

twilight1386: when they are talking about "the 1%", it actually mean phys range.

not by wealth but by how their sole existance is the stat boost they gave to the party.

DrNaesir: I'd love for Phys Ranged to fully become "supportive dps". Give them the ability to Raise people, and build more of their toolkit around supporting the party through buffs or utility. The lower damage output would make more sense if they were bringing resurrection and more utility to the party. I'd even go so far as to remove the ability to raise people from SMN and RDM to make that a niche of Phys Ranged. This would also mean you could give SMN and RDM the damage buffs that would bring them in-line with the other casters.

sircyu: The physical ranged role is perfect for the more supportive utility aspect that is sorely lacking in XIV. Enfeebling Effects are never used above level 50 outside of Deep Dungeons and yet Phys Ranged have 3 of them. A Bind, a Heavy and an Interrupt. They could be useful in various ways and I think the most interesting would be the addition of various outcomes in raids. Some ideas off the top of my head:

M1S, the boss is preparing a leaping mechanic so you bind them in place, as they try and leap they tumble, skipping the mechanic and getting a small vuln, maybe 5% for a time. You've cut that mechanic out of the fight so you don't have to do it and gained a bit of damage, but due to skipping it, the enrage timer is much shorter as she moves onto the next mechanic immediately. And this would shift where in the fight cooldowns come up, so it might make 2mins come up during a bad time to maximise the buffs. Shitty implementation of my idea but I hope the point I'm making still comes though. And balance would be tuned around not interacting with these optional elements.

Or how about interrupting a mechanic, which causes the fight to play out a different sequence of mechanics. Like M3S, imaging being able to Interrupt one of his drinks, preventing him from getting his damage buff but also changing how mechanics are resolved, which may be harder or easier depending on your team. Probably a bad idea to take this as it is, lord knows PF already can't decided on what to do.

Or hell, using heavy during M1's pounces so she only moves half the distance, making the AOEs overlap more to create a well defined safe zone and death zone, imaging on the first boss of Strayborough Deadwalk a Heavy on the boss applies to the minions, make them move slower so they're easier to avoid. Small things.

These are all probably terrible ways to implement the ideas I'm talking about and I might not have even conveyed my point correctly but I like Enfeebling effects giving player agency and decision making on moment to moment basis with no clearly defined "Correct Choice" or maybe its just the FFXI BRD player in me wanting more dedicated support roles.

jacklawson9210: I feel like we've forgotten as a community their warning at the start of the expansion. "We're isolating fight design as a variable, and changing only that, we're going to do the same thing for classes in 8.0" Right now, the

idgie534: I like the idea of some kind of combat Peloton a lot, and that could be a fun branching off point for more party utilities for phys ranged. Surely MCH could come up with some fun wacky tools besides 'hurt boss' and 'make boss hurt us less'.

memedreams9291: I'm mostly a melee player, but I love playing Bard! It's fun to play and I love the class fantasy and aesthetic. But it does suck to feel like I'm putting in a lot of effort managing my songs and doing my rotation just like everyone else just to barely be beating tanks in dps. I would love to see them either double down on rphys being the "support" dps or for them to reevaluate the "ranged tax" going forward.

jpxenovore: It is very possible to balance all the fun out of a game. After all, the only way something can be perfectly balanced is if everything is the same. Balance isn't really that important outside of PVP. Just make things fun and iconic.

tyhjyys: ff14's jobs can only play one way. just 1 way. sure you can play them "badly" but you can't even do them differently if you tried. they're making sure of that every update.

coming from most other modern mmo's this feels weak. fight design is so intrinsically based around classes playing a specific way that i doubt it will ever change. the more time you sink into this game the less it feels like a typical rpg and more a railroad to play the way devs want you to

scaper12123: As somebody who was playing Runescape during the Meleescape period and is playing BLM in FFXIV now, I sincerely hope you PhysRng players get the buffs and boosts your class sorely needs to be the jobs they deserve to be.

Oct 08 2024


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