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Monk Balance Adjustments Patch 7.01 FFXIV Dawntrail

CaelanDylandy: As a Monk main I can honestly say these changes are absolutely INSANE

majimapyro370: So... we're back to the mind numbing endwalker rotation...

ElseeKay: first rotation change to monk in 4 fucking expansions and were going back.

monk is actually awful and this proves it always will be.

Its_an_Eze: This is so damn dope! You love to see it. Monk mains rise up!

Makkle4000: Monke MADNESS

AdellRedwinters: I’ve really liked monk since the EW rework and I think the slight adjustments made with the introduction of riddle replies and removal of boring DoT management makes for what I feel like is a more free flowing combo class. Just feels good man. No hate if you preferred different iterations on the class, but I personally feel it’s in a really good place for my tastes.

MasterChibi: So what's the actual rotation look like now, for someone who is complete garbage at figuring that kind of thing out D:? I just enjoy doing content and raids but would love to ...contribute haha

CommentIsUnrelated: Personally, I hate the change. Makes the change from buffs to balls feel completely arbitrary rather than intentional.

Plus we get to see the fancy new skills (especially Rising Raptor) less.

tosutaa: idk it feels worse to me. even with the increased potency

azredis9947: MNK rotation vid guide please :D since there's pretty much nothing around yet atm

Jul 20 2024


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