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M1S First Clear for awkraidtime DRG POV AAC Lightheavyweight M1 Savage FFXIV

falxblade1352: Dang, already? Y'all are different

tatlxtael2303: I’m legit shocked the devour looking mechanic was only at the very end and we didn’t even see

TheProud1: the goat be goating. great work Jill!

insertsnamehere: Awesome clear guys! Welp back to watching M2. I also Look forward to new interesting and informative topics in your videos

VampireNoblesse: how did they know the first clone would wake up first? they prepostioned themselves ahead (before she woke him up.., or does it have to do with which side she jumps to first??)

TheQman69: Hope you all aren't cheating like the other streamers! We have a very prominent streamer in my FC and their static has 2 people who use timeline callouts off stream, and they have the reaction bot that shows hidden aoe markers but hides from OBS. When you see them react before the tell, it's a dead giveaway, and they tend to do it on the first few clears. They also use it for their Slice is Right gate (shows aoe lines soon before the bamboo gets sliced).

Blissful158: Congratulations on your clear!

procrastinationstation22: congrats!! We need something other then the bots here bruh

DylanAvecUnBob: I might not be understanding the raining cats mech, but why does the sch got a vuln killing them even though they got the tether while the ast was fine ?

morgane3501: calling the Arcadion raids M is truly a stroke of genius /s

really well done either way

Loporis: Awesome clear, I love how you managed to survive at 1600hp just barely thanks to the galvanize xD very clutch

Aug 03 2024


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