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Leveled All My DPS 100! FFXIV Dawntrail

pteronura6739: you didn’t level blue mage to level 100 , false title im unfollowing

mrpeanut188: - Dungeons on odd levels

- Roulettes on even levels


Brawneteer: "All of my DPS at 100"

SMN at 90: "Am I a f***ing joke to you?"

TheMastiser: you don't have to be 100 to get the armory bonus. it applies to every job that is below your higest level job. so if you get i job to 91 you get the armory bonus for every lvl 90 job (until 91) and so on

Frankthetank302: You only need 1 job higher then the rest to get armory bonus dont need a level 100 job for anything below 99 but having 100 helps from the get go.

applied__science: Minion working for ya full time huh

gennousuke69: that was a ton of rambling and basically no information. that was rough

ShindoWonderland: We love you big cat daddy :3 from one cat dad to another hugs and floofs

Jul 11 2024


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