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Its REALLY Happening Zepla learns about FFXIV going MOBILE

Zkid531: What? Don't you guys have phones?

sushioishii8950: This is such a waste of money when FFXIV itself is falling in quality. They need to grow FFXIV by taking more risks and import more mods into the FFXIV client as part of the game. This will expend a bunch of resources with very little return and require a lot of maintenance. Mobile market is highly competitive. Why cannibalize your player base out of PS and PC? Your take on it being a cash grab is 100% correct, but they will not make the money they think they are gonna make.

Frankthetank302: Here we go. The end of ffxiv

P5YK0TYK: They should just release a mobile FFXIV stand alone chocobo racing mobile game. Would go crazy with downloads if they did that. I would play it all the time. Chocobo racing is such a fun part of FFXIV to me lol

Yuukirah: Honestly if they actually bring it on mobile i only see downhill for FFXIV

AlvinY4kitori: any swipers? we need to get that SSS rank 5 star Y'shtola

gerfe2: Genshin's story is not good LOL

ryze-1g: If they make it so i can play golden saucer games on my phone for MGP I'll be cool with it

PunkFiddler: it's making history... dark history that is.

NeoKhai: Mihoyo reinvests in their game, and it shows. With post-Endwalker and beyond, it feels like the budget has either stayed the same or been lessened. For me, this is what makes me most disappointed with FFXIV; we know that the game became more successful in Shadowbringers and Endwalker, but we don't see that money going back into the game; we still get the bare minimum.

natebroadus8474: As long as it is China exclusive, it's whatever. I don't see any of this coming to the west as long as Yoshi-P is still in charge.

Aug 11 2024


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