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Xidion_Destiny: Savage should have been unlocked in November/December. Crazy how long this took.

SapphireDragon357: I'm not here to argue about the Savage unlock, since I got every piece of BiS for every job a while ago (except weapons, will be farming M4s for those). What I want to address is the fact that I've capped my tomes every week since 7.0, and I STILL do not have all the BiS gear for all jobs. I know most people don't care about gearing EVERY job like I do, but the fact that it's literally impossible needs to change. 450 every week, and even if I hadn't bought 2 hold-me-over weapons, I'd still be about 1k short of finishing the BiS Quetzalii gear when 7.2 hits.

vincentbeton: Of all the things they refuse to switch up, I think the Savage Unlock is one of the stupidest. Tier has been out for like 8 months and only now it can be farmed (now that the Gear is borderline meaningless outside of Glamour)? Geeez

xierotron: Chaotic Alliance was the absolute latest they should have unlocked it

tanhongyi7180: Their biggest issue is how they still try to insist the concept that the expansion Alliance Raids are "catch up" gear for the savage tier, which is why they refused to unlock savage upon 7.1 because it won't make sense to put a weekly restricted "catch up" gear when the tier is fully accessible. But at the same time, we're looking at Alliance Raid gears on ilvl of a basic tome gear, which can be acquired in a week, yet released 16-18 weeks later.

If anything, this raid tier has one notable aspect that did too well : Most job's gears had ideal substats within this tier, mainly the Crit Det/Crit DH combination, which makes less room for any other content to gain relevance with the same ilvl rewards(such as Chaotic Alliance gear). The only notable ones with better gains from Chaotic Alliance are Healer glove/boots, Striking glove and Fending Chestpiece. SE needs to find a way to balance out the relevance of each content, namely between the savage raid tier and the next upcoming Alliance Raid(or Chaotic Alliance Raid). If I were SE I'd simple strip off more Crit substats in the new crafted/raid/tome tier, and put a handful of them in the Alliance Raid(or Chaotic Alliance Raid) gear. And to re-iterate, Alliance Raid should be giving BiS ilvls, not "catch up gear" ilvls.

This way, we can have Alliance Raid granting partly BiS gear at 7.3/7.5, and the formula can easily be translated for an upcoming ultimate. Unlock the savage tier at 7.31/7.51, then release an ultimate level content at 7.32/7.52. This way, every piece of content has their relevance to maintain player activity, DPS checks will feel a little tighter due to lack of crit substats, and everyone gets what they want.

Edit : If anyone would debate "how can Alliance Raid gear be BiS when it's so easy", I can assure you no one gives a shit or bats an eyelid about difficulty warranting stronger gear. Because the same argument could be made for ultimate weapons with an extra materia slot, and yet no one ever justifies it.

ArthasOTP: savage should unlock upon ultimate release

nothisispatrick5691: New raid tier in one month, but lets unlock savage for gear that will be irrelevant in the new patch.

Ursoc91: raids should not be locked for longer than 3 month, by that point the race is over and everyone who actually cared has already cleared and just wants to gear alts

hazardyoutube1121: 12 weeks after savage comes out should be unlocked

guffels: Double tome cap and unlock savage with 7.1

ch0biq: It should have been unlocked the second they unlocked Chaotic Alliance. The end.

AZodiacCancer: There was that 1 time in SB when they unlocked savage in 4.16 and everyone was surprised since it always unlocked in x.x8. They never did it again.

SeiferHartmann: If they would aim to make the rewards for the savage tier be unlocked after a pre-determined amount of time, I think around 20 weeks would be fine.

Considering the HC community clears week 1, MC community clears anywhere from 4 to 10 weeks in, and even casual savage raiding groups likely would be able to finish the tier in 20 weeks, assuming they started week 1.

It almost always takes longer to finish gearing on the backend of the tier (multiple twines needed for fight 3, seemingly never having a static weapon drop from the weapon drop in fight 4), they might also consider unlocking the individual fights loot tables on a different pace than just doing the entire tier.

I.E. fight 1 of the tier is unlocked after 10 weeks, fight 2 in 14 weeks, or something along those lines.

JaybeeAU: 4 weeks prior to the x.2, x.4 worked a lot better when the patch cycle was less than 4 months. Now that it's closer to 5 months, this patch is at least 4 weeks too late. Ideally, it could have just been when 7.15 came out.

Envinyon: babe wake up, its time to say "savage should be unlocked on the following odd patch" on the internet again

Kairax: 75% Player drop surely not true, surely they can continue same-old-pattern till end of times. Surely.

therelax4166: This expansion is a scam

xTyith97: Unlocking it so late seems so pointless, the gear isn’t relevant when the new tier comes out. Just unlock it after 8-12 weeks tbh

franksta21: Savage tier should be unlocked at the same time they release the ultimate raid. It opens up accessibility to the ultimate raid because that is the only reason you would even need the gear.

GanonAutumn777: Wouldve been nice if the tier was unlocked AT THE BEGINNING OF 7.1

0MNI: I feel like they should have did this for the savage 3 weeks after the ultimate came out

rythiancross: Savage should have been unlocked at 7.1 next patch drops unlock the savage tier x.x

sneakytrip6594: Nice. Just in time for Monster Hunter.

gokkiyoutube: Savage lockouts should be removed completely from the getgo, with so many jobs it's absolutely crazy to lock it down at this point.

RedMage_Dovei: As of right now, it's been 210 days since Savage dropped, and only now is the Savage tier unlocked. With the amount of time between major patches, the savage tier should absolutely be unlocked at the odd number patches, or around there. It's nice for the tier to unlock so people can catch up, but in a month, we can just get crafted gear and nullify the current gear entirely (Aside Ultimate BiS I guess)

Krojack76: I think savage should be unlocked when the alliance raid comes out. Even my static, which is pretty casual and got a late start, had m4s on farm when the alliance raid came out.

Another change, they should also add a system where say if you cleared m3s then you should be able to skip 1 and 2 and go right to 3 after weekly reset. It would be a per-character system. Once savage is fully unlocked they can clear all that data from their systems.

Feb 27 2025


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