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Is Your Favourite FFXIV Fight Actually Any Good?

manti5banti581: I'll never stop loving seat of sacrifice

Soress9: I'm not sure if it goes under most favorite, but Barbariccia Ex was a lot of fun as dancer, weaving in and out of all the aoe attacks as everything comes at you from the small slow moving wind orbs to her constant dashes and line aoes. I just really felt awake in that moment and felt really good dodging all that came at you.

Osteichthyes: For me it would probably be Tsukuyomi, both normal and ex. From the visuals of the arena and how it shifts, all the symbolism of passing and mourning, and Wayward Daughter...it will forever live rent free in my head, and I wouldn't have it any other way. That song comprises both the theme of Yanxia Day (A Father's Pride), and Yanxia Night (A Mother's Pride), which is brutal considering her backstory. There is so much storytelling and emotion packed into one encounter.

SleepytheDrowsyOne: It is absolutely criminal that e12s only got a passing mention here. The incredible design of phase two, the relativity mechanics, the tank buster becoming a party buster if they don’t pay attention, single, dual, and triple apocalypses entire gimmick of the aoes moving around the arena to the speed of different clock hands. It’s absolutely brilliant and hearing the music flare up for the first time as soon as the actual fight starts made me actually giddy like a school girl

FlashOfLightning854: E8S has yet to be dethroned as my top fight partially because it was my first on-content savage clear but mainly because even after solving them, clearing through light rampant, wyrm's lament, and icelit dragonsong felt so incredibly satisfying

also the fight was really really pretty and the 2nd phase music was such a banger

Urthdigger: Shadowkeepeer, or as I like to call it, the Oracle of Barkness. The shadow mechanic just felt so satisfying to pull off, and the design is super sick. No wonder it eventually got added as a mount.

0g00n8: I'm sorry but I like John Pandemonium so much. It is the fight that boosted my ego to tank and execute mechanics better. Harrowing Hell diff honestly

Cageorge89: My favorite non-raid fight is Baelsar's Wall. Not only because "Sloppeh", but every mechanic in the fight feels so fluid.

Raid/Trial: Seat of Sacrifice, each part feels great, slightly frantic, and cinematically pleasing. To The Edge is phenomenal and still gives me shivers when I hear it.

Zinaerys: Might be alone in this but UWU, it's my comfort ultimate. The way it layers 4 different sets of mechanics during the last phase is just incredible. It's very boomer of me having started in 2.0 but it's still my favourite fight.

keysmashwarrior5057: I'm absolutely a casual but I ran Titan in Eden Savage on a whim in PF and it is probably the most fun fight I've ever been in. It was hard and definitely a skill jump for me, but I had a great party who kept the mood light and encouraging, and when I made it to the clear without dying I felt like a goddamm champion. I haven't run any savages since then (been really busy irl so no time to dedicate to it) but if you're a casual player like me who feels like they want to improve their skills with the job they main I really recommed giving it a whirl. You definitely will learn a lot, and possibly get a car.

May 15 2024


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