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Is this the BEST line Reading in FFXIV?

AlienToppedPancakes: It's the "Cat huh" meme! X'D

elijahy8433: the reverb sells it even more it's just so perfect

FatedMusic: You can tell how much the cat memes infected Japan when they're even putting it in games lol.

mugen1292: you know i wasn't sure i would like her as a character when i first started DT but god damn the more i play the more she proves me wrong

TDOTCRFH4: every confused line WK has in that cutscene has solid gold delivery

eiriksundby: Genuinely a perfect huh. Good job sena.

akira-hr4tv: I adore Wuk lamat

GeekGameCulture: Her, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Daniel Bryan, and LA Knight in a WWE Promo together would be GOLD!





ecru_5819: This is why I love her oml

That is the most genuine "huh" I've ever heard

CzarCommander9: Huh?

mannifinalsummer4544: I think the best line(s) are still the glorious moment between Y'shtola and Magnai in Stormblood

KingBobBobBob: It fits. It ships it's "huh" in a large room

LukahnFantasy: Seabirds.

peruru84: honk

Aug 21 2024


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