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Is FFXIV too Hard in Dawntrail? A Discussion

The_vataru_guy: It’s not. Casuals have to get better. Simple

Voicelet: As a pure casual who don't even do extreme trials, this level of difficulty is really appreciated. It's fun to continue playing these content over and over, and it's also fun to see people fail initially then overcome them eventually by themselves.

armemor9216: It’s sad to see people unwilling to learn from their mistakes and enjoy progressing through the myriad of enjoyable mechanics.

ruikirisame1744: I said this in another video but there's two way to answer this.

"calm down. The expansion is not even a month old" (the nice way)

"adapt or wait for catch up gear" (the acceptance mean way)

potatoereach: Oh No I cAnT fAcErOlL ConTeNt

fucking get over it. this is one of the few times ff14 players need to be a bit meaner to people who refuse to learn

nanamitin: I feel like the OP doesn’t see how ironic it is to complain about how in the second normal fight they died constantly and didn’t want to be raised then say you cleared trial 1 after a while but it doesn’t really count because some players died a lot

formy52: I had a forty minute trial roulette as I got sucked into the Lv. 99 trial and there was no escape from it (thank goodness I went as SMN for the raise).

Is it harder? It feels

Aegis---: the fact that JP players, who are often stereotyped as being a cut above the rest of the world, are complaining about the wuk lamat instanced fight being way too hard even on easy mode, despite being one of the easiest instanced fights in the game is incredible.

geniunely, its a skill issue, DT is not hard lol

JohnSears: People likening these harder instances to extreme and savage content actually has me excited to finally try extremes and savages. Cause I've really enjoyed the harder content this expansion

chrishoppner150: The Dawntrail story (which I completed yesterday) is my second favourite expansion now, right behind Shadowbringers.

I haven't yet done any of the expert dungeons, but all the other 91 dungeons and trials so far have been immensely enjoyable. Not super hard, but nicely challenging. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the content next weekend when I have some time.

sarnix9324: When I was a kid, the early pokemon games were IMPOSSIBLE to beat for me. What I didn't realize until I got a bit older was that you can't blow through the game with just an over leveled Charizard

TheRealSykot1k: I thought this current normal raid tier was AMAZING. It was engaging and fun, and not too hard imho. I remember Edenverse Titan, dying to that 11 times my first go around, but I only died like once or twice within the DT normal raids. It was due to the actual genuine desire to learn and improve and it showed! Also, I thought the Visual Tells are amazing and it never felt unfair.

Corvus7159: It's not difficult, the players complaining just don't want to learn the game they've been playing for (potentially) years and supposedly love. I already said it on Arthars' video, but if these players spent half the time actually learning basic mechanics compared to the time they spend complaining about the game, they'd not be having so many issues. We are in the 5th expansion at this point, there is no excuse.

Edit: I'm glad this sentiment is in some of the shared posts

Jul 23 2024


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