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Is Dawntrail the WORST FFXIV Story??

michaelpetersen467: >Talk to Wuk Lamat

>Follow Wuk Lamat

>Help Wuk Lamat

>Walk with Wuk Lamat

>Ask about Wuk Lamat

>Carry items for Wuk Lamat

>Give your favorable opinion about Wuk Lamat

>Cheer on Wuk Lamat

>Do chores for Wuk Lamat

>Advise Wuk Lamat

>Get saved by Wuk Lamat

>Dance for Wuk Lamat

>Grovel before Wuk Lamat

>Die for Wuk Lamat

Armadan7: Estinien had the vacation we were promised.

hirotv2621: Wuk Lamat: Let's split up! I'll go with the WoL :)

Me: :(

Hated so much this expansion man, so much that I will have to go back to wow classic and play friking cataclysm dude, friking cataclysm

andykobre779: It's all over the internet and it's actually crazy how similar everyone's feedback is. Pretty much every single person feels the same:

- All characters are one dimensional cardboard cutouts

- Wuk Lamat's english VA is terrible (to be fair tho, I didn't like the japanese VA as well, but that's more to do with the character)

- The pacing is abyssmal

- The cutscenes are padded harder than a cell in a mental institution

- The "gameplay" outside of instanced content is hilariously outdated

- Predictable Disney level storytelling

etc etc

Oblivionknight: This MSQ is such utter garbage. The dungeons and Trials were good tho

lelelekop: WoL is no longer Warrior of Light but Wuk of Lamat.

niiick5704: Felt like a Disney predictable story. That's what I think we hate the most, a predictable story

lyndina8492: I hated this expansion. Wuk Lamat was everywhere...this stupid writers self insert....even at the final Boss...she had to be there and ruin a good fight which i longed for.

astralisk: I can’t even finish it man

rueceless7580: I think my main issue with Dawntrail's narrative isn't that the WoL isnt the main character, hell most of the expansions we haven't been the lead character outside of Realm Reborn/shadowbringers and the last quarter of Endwalker. The issue is dawntrail gives me no reason to care about what happens to this nation, there isn't a single plot point that forces the WoL and by extension the player feel personally invested, we just stand in the background and nod as Wuk Lamat takes all the credit for the work we personally put in. Then she has the nerve to act like Party leader in the final act despite whats going on being well above her pay grade now.

Like if we had some kinda stake Id be more willing to deal with Wuk Lamat being in literally every scene desperately trying to be the MC like a self insert OC but as is, I could have solved all the problems on my own, the new villain is the weakest least threatening antagonist in the entire game, he's wannabe SMT Chaos hero with daddy issues. He got his butt kicked in his own villain reveal and had to rely on some future tech to just stand a chance. Villains dont have to be a martial threat but look at Thordon who played everyone like a fiddle before he finally took the spot light as MSQ antagonist.

Its telling when the red haring antagonist is more interesting, better developed and more of a threat than the real one.

masterdeathize: We went from becoming the hero of light, to hero of dark, stoper of the endsinger. To Wuks handler. I would of loved to explore this area on our own and figure out what's going on with the land. I think fixing this woulda been have us go and arrive and explore, maybe in the middle of the whole succession. Allow us to see how the new world is and then see who the best ruler is ourselves. Would be a lot less babysitting time and let us still feel like the main char. Feeling like the side char is bitter.

operalta6004: they copy pasta those trashy overuse shonen anime/manga story

kefka242: I was one of those toxic positivity people until DT ending.. No more.

Khankra91: its not our story anymore, its the story of hairy sailor moon

therealalbrechtdurer: Dawntrail is so bad that I'm leaving the game. Endwalker was the writing on the wall, but Dawntrail is the wrecking ball. After 10 continuous years of faithful subbing and nearly daily playing, I'm calling quits. Maybe YoshiP did me a favor by letting the game go so off-kilter... he's released me to fly free.

WiseAsino: On another level of bad.

ShaggyLad: You didn't mention Bakool Ja Ja unleashing the monster that they set up as a world destroyer so he could get a head start on the keystones... Only to get stopped at a taco competition that apparently all the other claimants would have to wait at? He's not just a bully, he's actually a villain until the writing tells us he's not. And the saddest part is, he's one of my favorite characters from this expansion because he's actually entertaining.

3ASY355: After doing the Zoraal Ja trail. Soken and the encounter design team almost made me forget how mid the story was

Highlandwhispers: Special shoutout to Kathryn Cwynar for her contributions in making Dawntrail the worst story in the entire FF franchise

orb8540: Spoiler : Sadly, the ending that you havent reached yet is not much better, tropy, nonsensical and abrupt cut with a lot of 'WHAT THE F' things going on and just moving like its been a great journey while it was an excruciatingly mid to bad babysitting session

superjoran2899: i found incredibly weak the more i look into it, the second half was literally just mentally abusing erenville and his mother did not deserve what happened to her

Vieriz: I honestly cannot believe how trash the story is in dawntrail, its so strange to me. I played the game from start to finish, loved it so much, shadowbringers and endwalker are so good. wtf happened? Who did they hire for wuk lamat voiceover, she clearly didn't give a shit. Its unreal how bad the voice acting is compared to others, it seems almost like a parody at times.

RolanberryCat: Just finished DT MSQ. As someone who adores FFXIV's story and has played it since ARR, this is the first time I had to skip some of the cutscenes and dialogue for my own sanity. I couldn't take it. I liked Wuk Lamat at first but the more I progressed through the MSQ the more I felt like she was someone's self-insert OC that was constantly being shoved down my throat at every turn. It was suffocating to the point where I felt relief whenever I finally got a moment away from her to go do stuff with other characters. She had such an overbearing presence throughout the entire MSQ that other characters who I assumed would have more character development, like Krile and Erenville, rarely had moments to shine. She wasn't the only problem I had with the MSQ. Most of the dialogue and story itself read like something from a tween's fanfiction or some bland Saturday morning cartoon from the 90's. It was disappointing to say the least, but hey at least the dungeons/trials have been incredibly fun.

josie_the_valkyrie: You forgot to mention that during the Wuk Lamat duty, her battle cry is “there will be peace!”

yuina88: Its certainly garbage I agree

Don't get me started on that annoying Wuk too

bamboozled_again: simple answer, yes, dawntrail is the worst shit ever, i really want my money back

CrazyOtaku11: Wuk Lamat is basically Naruto hell she even has the same color scheme and has the ancient power of Talk-no-jutsu

“I’m gonna become the next dawnservant believe it”

Sweetzluf: I did not have a "bad" time per se, I still enjoyed it. But Wuk Lamat was too much focus on. I argue she's worse than Lyse.

Anyway, hopefully they bring back Ishikawa for post-dawntrail or atleast for the next full expansion... She's the goat.

needingmorepatience: 1.x beta player, this is the worst MSQ ever in the history of this game. It's so sad. I'm so emotionally invested in the success and failures of this game b/c it's been apart of my life for so long. It's not just Wuk Lamat, it's the constant recapping like I don't know what I just did an hour ago, it's the fact Wuk Lamat has more than double the lines of anyone else in Dawntrail or Lyse in Stormblood, it's the insane plotholes that this game would have never looked over in the past (leaving a kid paralyzed even though we have the cure, an entire city gets wrecked by invasion but a dragoon says they weren't even hard, being ok to genocid an entire people due to their existence but they're the same as the entire populace we build up in Ultima Thule). These points aren't even scratching the surface with how bad it is, and these alone would cause me not to play any other game. It's absolutely a travesty. There's no excuse for this.

kadian299: Reading the comments looks like quitting after ew was the right choice.

PumpkinHeadLemure: By far, yes it is

JackKlompus-es5bi: I was so frustrated playing this as i felt the WOL was treated like a background character and even when the stakes were risen after Alexandria, Wuk Lamat still insisted on taking the lead while WOL was like "kay". Hopefully Square writes her out of the story like they did with Lyse. At least with Lyse, there were less cutscenes.

Koyu_Ruh: The hat update for Hrothgars (and Vieras) hasn't dropped. My disappointment is immeasurable and the update is ruined.

If it truly was a "clipping issue" then I wonder why I can wear headwear, where my beard clips through everything and looks stupid. Another reason for why this is absolute and utter BS: Have you ever seen Au Ra wearing anything? Hrothgars and Vieras are just like blue mages, limited.

lolcat5303: Regarding the gameplay, he's had to make promises about improving it in 7.2 and the jobs in 8.0. There is certainly dissatisfaction brewing there, not to mention the healer strike given the state of healing in the game. I think the MMO is in hot water if even its supposedly vaunted story can't carry it. Even assuming they hit their goals, 7.2 is into March 2025 at the earliest. Personally I was already dissatisfied with the story direction in EW, especially regarding the second half, and that's before even getting to the abysmally boring patches. Even the later parts of the DT MSQ almost seem like a retread of Golbez's story, nvm Amaurot. The gameplay had already lost me, something that began in SHB, as it became more 'streamlined'.

Agree with you regarding gcbtw, but I will say twitter has a lot of passive follows/likes, and some of it is botted. It's very easy to form bubbles on there, which give the impression of plenty of support for the tweeter but in reality it may be illusory - but you are certainly correct there is a lot of this on FF14 social media. Reddit main sub can be even worse. This braindead 'positivity' is bad because it insulates the devs from necessary criticism/feedback. I also have my concerns that the CMs on the forum and the TOS prevent players from being able to offer direct criticism.

I'm hoping the devs learn a lesson from this expansion, especially because criticism is flowing both from the Western and Japanese (e.g. on 5chan) fanbases.

valravn9907: i refunded the xpac 1 hour in.

it was tolerable until, during the tour, when we got to the gate closed off barring the bridge to Yok Tural or whatever is called, my WoL was gawking at the massive Gate and Poochie went of on a little tangent, "yeah so that gate and bridge are more important than you listening to my dreams and aspirations, ok...?"


first off, how dare you? we came with you from malms away to place your ass on a throne you obviously have no deserving right to be on. Just cuz your Papa was a hotshot. You don't deserve shit Poochie. At least Lyse got shat on by most of the NPC's in Stormblood

user-ot3qr4pu7v: Very well said. I feel a bit awkward and suspect about the story when I playing through it, but after hearing your summary I already 100% sure dawntrail have "DEI" influence in the story.

guilhermemoreira4639: By far the worst expac story.... "but its another storytelling since the beginning and whatever.."

Yes, man. I was so prepared for slow things since the the annoucement of EW, but I wasnt expecting that would be so bad... and one of the things that drives me crazy its the super cliche anime shounen friendship power, peace and love.

Plus the quests are super annoying like its same thing in past expacs:

- Speak with Alphinaud

- Speak with Alphinaud

Cs cs cs

- Speak with Alphinaud

- Speak with Alphinaud

Cs cs cs

- Speak with Wuk Lamat

- Speak with Wuk Lamat

At least the dungeons and boss fights are fun.

jumanjijoe9198: ●Dawntrail is a disaster●

•Lower quality ENG VA because the new Western localization manager got her friends jobs

•The script was written by an former theater playwright who was fired for his low quality works

•The role and side quests were written by veteran writers and were of far greater quality than the MSQ

•Jobs are all so homogenized they practically play themselves

Jul 09 2024


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