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I ranked every race in FFXIV...

allenchan8692: The animation of the mouth is crazy.

SuperEffector: Personally I’d argue Lalafell are both S and F tier simultaneously.

FieldMarshall3: FF14 races ranked

#1 Lalafell

#2 miscellaneous races

Irimu_: As a female Au Ra, my glam is kickass thank you very much. Lizards are way cuter than cats.

VarriskKhanaar: Au'Ra vs. Dead Inside Au'Ra should have been two separate races..

ImTandori: Male Viera's gamer posture makes them just like me for real!

ButtonBlamer: I believe the reason Lalafell glams are often "good" is because the shape is squished down to such a level that the details are hard to notice and largely irrelevant as a result.

Matching styles between pieces doesn't matter, because it will go unnoticed at such a small size.

Playing with the silhoutte doesn't matter, because it's all squeezed down and looks the same, so it's also irrelevant.

Undyeable colours slightly mismatch? No one will notice.

At that point, anything looks good.

commissaradrian9214: As a recent convert to Fem Elezen, hard agree. Their animations and lanky proportions can make them look silly, but when the glam hits, IT HITS.

DrForester: You really gotta hand it to Lalafells...

...because they can't reach it themselves.

selen18126: Nah i'm a male Miqo'te player and i stayed that way. Male moonkeepers FTW !

Zaranell: I can agree with the "fashionable or memelord" dichotomy of me and my Broegadyn cohorts. I try my best to be in the former camp personally, but if you didn't already know, let me tell you sometimes it is not

richardwicker8456: No one can wear a pointy hat better than a lalafell; this is objective truth.

25xxfrostxx: Female Elezen absolutely won the graphics update.

AleytiaDarogue: B TIER!? You just mad we lizard girls don't invite you to the mating caves during egg laying season.

Demorid: I've been a female Elezen stan for a long time. I'm glad to see someone give the dozens of us the respect we deserve.

koschan7469: you've had this model for quite a while now but it still feels so fresh and beautiful waaaaa love it

jebusfox: Not taking this Hrothgar slander lightly. You shall pay. Curse of Ra upon you

solidseagull4062: I will fight you about Hrothgar male being D-tier. They are the only playable non-human race in this game. Hyur… human. Elezen… tall human. Mi’qote… human with cat ears. Viera… human with rabbit ears. Roe… buff human. Au’ra… human with horns. Lalafell… baby human. At least Hrothgar try something different. Still A-tier for me until they get hats.

The lip tracking on your model is great, by the way!

meteorwalkergg: It's ok because Meteor isn't a midlander he's the entire protagonist so it's really fine, it's all good /cope

Sebs-FFXIV: Was ready to judge this tier list from the beginning since everyone makes the same mistake, pint however did not make that mistake, putting female elezen in S tier is the ONLY CHOICE, us fem elezen players are the true peak

(let us pray that SE reworks the running animation someday and then its S race)

DrunkenEros: I'm actually shocked at how incredibly lukewarm this ranking table is lol

astralsymphony1214: Despite trying not to show bias...

THANK YOU for putting Fem Elezen in S Tier. We may be few and may not have good running/default dance animation but you cannot deny that we are objectively THE BEST Supermodels EVER. You want elegance, sexiness and a hint of sweet in one? We Fem Elezen got you, babyyyyyyyyy

TotoTheBest91: You made a lot of enemies today

canderia: As a femroe player I've frequently said that thighlanders are just smaller femroes. Also, I can love with A Tier.

wild.rose.blooms: says femras have the most basic glams and yet doesn't acknowledge how 80% of bunnygirls slap on the Dalmascan draped top, 2B tights and boots, and call it a day. smh my head

TheShadowHatter: The most detailed VTuber model I've personally ever seen! Almost makes me want to try VTubing myself if I actually had a personality to do it lol

Feb 09 2025


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