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I get so excited, but then immediately disappointed. finalfantasy14 ffxivmemes ff14memes ffxiv

SchuldigXII: My friend always says, "if you don't roll a 99 you basically rolled a 1"

fakade2987: I can count the number of over 75 rolls this expansion on 1 hand. As long as that hand has no fingers.

victorguzman1401: I gotta tell ya there ain’t no worse feeling than losing what you thought was a sure fight

Kamedouken: And the person who rolled it died 3x and barsed a 0

kohlicoide2258: I get my "Wings of Resolve" with a 97.. after i overroll the 91 from a Viper that i killed on accident in that try.

Maximum emotional damage.

AzureTalon: Back when titania ex was the current ex. I won the mount with a 34. The other 7 people rolled lower than me.

Xport9: It do be like that sometimes.

Narlan1: I'm still trying to get a clear on the exs lol

ShinryuMasaki: I once rolled a 99 on a minion, lost it to someone rolling a 100, I was SOOOOOOO mad!

coffeegamermomof3665: Nice one love the dogs u picked cute

zairegg: This games loot system is so jacked bro

Jul 31 2024


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