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I Finished All 12 Routes of Aloalo Island Getting Every Achievement in FFXIV 40

argentpuck: I like the idea

BlackLight886: Seven shadows cast, seven fates foretold. Yet at the end of the broken path lies death, and death alone.

privateuser1716: You have it backwards, Cider. Dodos supposedly tasted terrible. As a species we nearly drove another species of tortoise extinct because its lard made anything palatable. We nearly killed off one in the process of making the other not taste like crap.

StuHol-jb1hh: i have never heard a person sound more thoroughly dead inside in my entire life, its rather impressive

kzorander8577: These dungeons go SO much faster as DPS. With cure Rampart you can survive anything, and being a dps, things die faster. Soloed all three (all paths) as a DNC.

TaurusVersant: I feel that when soloing variant dungeons, they only really shine when you're actually solving them at the same time. If you're just following a guide then yeah that definitely breaks any of the mental engagement of looking for paths and puzzling things out.

kzorander8577: How has the "DIE!!" line from M3 not made it into Cider's repertoire yet??

emeraldpichu1: I did north bunnies in pyros and all I have to show for is some logograms…… and the mount

EnderJazi: Hello, local morbol obsessed person here: If you count all the standard morbols and the variant models, it's basically four. You got standard, one with the bulbs, the little floating ones and the big morbol towers. I would love a couple more variants but that is just me and my crazy morbol love~

Aug 31 2024


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