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Honey B. Solid Snake Eater FFXIV 7.05 Spoilers

kirigherkins: Reclear party? 3rd live prog? No, every party is actually a 1st live alarm pheromones prog party.


distractedgaming4526: Should have ended with "The challenger has fallen out of the ring!"

smaller_cathedrals: Top tier content!

Also, that description.

Gofr5: That pretty much sums up my experience of that fight when doing it as melee. Go from just 1 heart instantly to 3 hearts because you don't even have time to see them spawn from the middle and you get hit by them instantly.

yagikataiser434: This might be my second favorite video of yours.

I made an offhand comment at the start of the tier along the lines of "what if we fought the MGS3 bee guy in savage instead?" I'm so glad you apparently had a similar idea and brought it to life.

Lulink013: When someone wants to do Mario Kart strat and the rng is TERRIBLE

GuerreiroAventureiro: Me when i see a stack or something to get a love bar. Nope,not doing that. I aint a simp

leilaliebel8767: I hear you Viera death noise. Gets me every time.

soldierorsomething: Oooh The Pain!!!

Aug 08 2024


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