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Here, have this Tank Buster! ff14memes ffxivmemes ffxiv finalfantasyxiv finalfantasy14 ff14

cino3929: As a tank, it is my duty to protect my team from any kind of damage, even emotional

IceFire1800: the trick is to shirk to the healer as the tankbuster lands.

That way they're focused on healing you they don't notice the boss coming for them

aronth: "why are you running?"


kuromatsu1539: I'm a sapling healer myself having lots of help from more experienced players. Most the time other saplings aren't even the problem. Of all people it's the mentors that piss me off by failing the simplest stuff and not having common sense

scarytacozilla: Tank not only protects his party from danger, but he protects his sprouts from the danger of his party.

frostnova2144: I love how its a warrior who can practically heal himself hahaha

SaraAliciaCaster: Had a dungeon where playing as the healer with my boyfriend as a DPS

I asked the tank if they could use mitigations (this was halfway thru the dungeon) the other DPS kept insulting me and my boyfriend, and the tank would ONLY use mitigations if I died and I also noticed that the tank would shrik on me on cooldown

Well, little did he know I didn't dps the last boss, he shirked on me when a tankbuster was about to happen, and the DPS who was "friends" with the tank died to the tank buster

I didn't res her for 95% of the fight, tank kept trying to kill me with aoes and tankbuster, I just mitigated for myself and shielded

Soon as we got out of the dungeon, I reported them, and within an hour

Their names were removed from contacts list, that only happens if they get banned for 3days- month

pullsane: In my 13 years of playing FF14 (I was arround for 1.0) I met maby 4 rude people. Everybody else was either chill, helpfull or didn't say anything.

Seeing meme's like these pop up more frequently as a mentor is disencouraging. I really hope people get their shit together. Sprout or not Sprout when someone is obviously struggling and not trying to activly troll you (which has happened ONCE in 13 years) being anything but kind and trying to be understanding is simply unhelpfull and will only prolong the (for the rude person) frustrating situation.

Really happy with Twintania. We aren't insane raiders, or Rpers but I hecking love my community. I have found so many great people friend on that server :)

thekidkazoo: Me with Origenics this morning. Though it was DPS being rude to HLR. I just popped myself right on top of them and boom they died lol

aquaportis8549: As a healer and still a sprout I can would intentionally not heal the mentor who is harassing my fellow sprout

blubunny2217: Bro popped that sprint XD

louthinator: meanwhile when a tank starts being rude to the sprout "hey sprout, you wanna learn how to successfully tank as a DPS?" - as a scholar main, I've done this several times with dragoons and monks, just gotta be sure to save the crit shield for the tankbuster.

Oct 29 2024


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