Raika63: Agree on needing more scenes as a mentor. I hear a lot of "we're there as her mentor" but I feel like we only really get those two scenes, and one is meant to be a payoff. Why not have us duel her a couple times before her limitbreak bonanza solo duty rather than have the same conversation about peace for the hundredth time? Maybe have us give her more advice? I would have loved a scene of someone who happened to know who we were that was about to treat her badly and then we just stare at them menacingly and they adjust their tone all of a sudden. If I'm going to be the badass mentor, make me feel like the badass mentor for more than like a single scene before the payoff; make me feel like her victory is my victory in that duel with bakool ja ja - because I didn't really feel that.
quesopasso: "I want my Indiana Jones Krile adventure". Me too...
NezeruGaming: Of all commentary on Yak'tel, no one ever picks up that it isn't racism or race superiority that fuels the xenophobia of the jungle mamool ja, but their dire material conditions. They want escape of the lower jungles leading to conflicts with the hrothgar, because the resources are scarce and they see creating powerful "sacred two heads" as their only way to uplift their circumstances. That's why it was important that Wuk Lamat address the material conditions at the root of their problems so the slow healing process with the rest of the Tural community could begin, not some reductive "racism was magically solved with the power of friendship" many people seem to take from this zone.
csrjjsmp: I’m glad everyone loves Krile I just wish the writers loved her more too
TITANCREED: Kyle’s comments bring to mind an insight from Ebert: “Don’t judge a movie by what it’s about, but how it goes about it.” That doesn’t immunize Dawntrail from criticism or forgive its internal flaws. However, it should be remembered as people start talking about what they wish Dawntrail had been.
That’s why I gravitate towards Kyle’s criticisms over others, including those who are very positive about the expansion. He’s providing critiques based on what he has seen thus far and without objecting to Dawntrail’s inherent tone and general narrative priorities. He also discusses the game without trying to reconcile it with the problematic dialogues occurring in social media.
This isn’t an indirect disparagement of Garrett’s comments, for the record. It’s just that, as someone who works with writers and has to consider Ebert’s line every day, Kyle’s opinions are of a nature that I deeply respect.
Also, regarding Garrett’s comment on pacing, it’s an issue of integration. Dawntrail’s early zones are redundant with one another in terms of tone and character beats. This part of the expansion is also fairly episodic, with each zone setting up and resolving its own crisis. That causes the zone itself to feel rushed, while the redundancy causes the overall experience to feel slow.
wolfair: Zoraal Ja fought Valigarmanda with us because he wanted to test his strength against the monster that his father fought all those years ago.
there is nothing humane about his choice here - he just continues to try and prove that he's strong enough to be his father's son.
venabre: I loved, LOVED the start of Dawntrail, but I am extremely biased, for I live in Central America and I was doing it alongside my boyfriend who lives in South America.
When even the cups they use in the campfire are something you can relate to because you have identical ones in your kitchen, boy does that make for an amazing experience.
jeremyphillips6564: Back in ARR, there's a solo duty where you spar with Hoary Boulder, and he realises for the first time the gulf between himself and the WoL. He gets back up several times (and Coultenet even helps out eventually), but each time you dispatch him with ease. A mentoring moment like that with Wuk Lamat would have been great.
Naoto-kun1085: Balanced criticism of Dawntrail is my favorite thing x3
davelzdr: The boys again continue their time honored tradition of being so right while being so wrong. Incredible
micalt: About the sometimes weirdly fast pacing, Limsa Lominsa takes 4 expansions to even start to fix their past mistakes and is making a point about how long and difficult it is to let go of old grudges and prejudice.
But Mamook fixes its issues in 1 level.
WillKazeOh: Garrett: How right am I!?
Me: takes a deep breath
Norbert_Sattler: The storm was caused by Valigarmanda's seal growing weak, and some of it's powers leaking out, so... depending on your point of view, a Kaiju causing the storm was either not far off, or spot on.
herebejamz: I think a lot of people feel Bakool's dad get's kinda glossed over for the eugenics is the difference between restorative justice over retributive justice. Instead of condemning the people who did the thing, they've found the societal issues that led to that malpractice and fixed it. Instead of dwelling on it, the perpetrators are given an opportunity to make amends and grow from it, much how Golbez isn't executed for his crimes either.
As for his acceptance of being wrong, the situation reads to me more like he always knew it was wrong. Those are also his children in that cenote. But it's sunk cost fallacy. In for one failed baby, in for a thousand. They saw no other option, but now they do have choices. They can make their community worth living in without violence and eugenics now.
ouromov2895: Yeaaaaaah.... yeaaah... this msq... yeaaaaaah... sigh.. yeah.
Morbius246: VOD squad! Rise up!
psymar: "I know the Allagans, the Allagans are good friends of mine, and you're no Allagans!" -- G'raha Tia, if he were there
midnightmiqo: Perception/Personal preference is such a wild thing. Garrett saying the first 4 levels lacked charmed and I nearly snapped my neck whipping towards the monitor. I found the first half immensely charming from the start, and my thought was folks didn't like it because it was all so low-key and more simple character moments as we settle into a new land. I've said this so much, but I honestly remember day 2 of playing in early access, probably around this level, and looking at my husband and saying with honest appreciation, that this felt like the paced opening of any expansion. (Boy did the internet correct me days later lol)
mrfathed3129: I will not lie. No matter how many people try changing my mind, the Wul Lamat / Bakool Ja Ja fight pissed me off. Yes character levels are stupid, and the FF mythos has DYnamis and blah blah blah. How we went from him swatting her away like a gnat to getting his ass kicked so fast is fucking stupid to me. I genuinely quit after that and didn't come back for a few days.
SilentMike55: I am interesting in learning more about Kyle's new life living in a bush
gabgano8101: Thank you for cooking this delicious repast. I think this is your best video so far, no joke
beatrixkaelin5120: About the Mamook eugenics thing: Yes, of course some of them fell in love. Bakool Ja Ja's parents ARE in love as well. It's why his mother is so passive. She wants things to change, but can't bring herself to be hated for standing against it. But there is a very important reason for them to try and ban the FORCED pairings. Look at how many empty houses there are in Mamook. You can cheat and count how many of the buildings don't have a roof. Their Birthrate is so abysmal they don't even need half their houses.
And for Bakool Ja Ja, during the feat of Repast, he complains that he would never have released Valigarmanda if he knew he'd have to wait for everyone at the Feat of Repast. He only ever thought of it as a distraction. The other thing to really think on, is that Gulool Ja Ja couldn't beat Valigarmanda, and had to use Valigarmanda's own magic against him. If Bakool Ja Ja could shatter the magic, then Zoraal Ja who is so strong he can one shot Bakool Ja Ja without killing him should be able to beat the Skyruin too. So I'd just leave it as "Yeah, he released Skyruin, but no one was hurt, and the terror is finally over. Ultimately, he did a whole lot of nothing."
Alexander was Sharlayan! They made a Giant robot to make a safe research center that could travel everywhere. But it was abandoned because it needed too much Aether to move. Then it was taken by the Illuminati Goblins, which made it more steampunk. The Primal form of Alexander was made by the Hotgo clan who wanted a safe home, using the Enigma Codex to give it life along with a horn like the one from Tupismati which could gather aether form the land super easily. The Mide Hotgo sealed it, and the Illuminati continued to use the Primal for time travel powers granted by the Enigma Codex.
JetEriksen: Dayum we really skipped all the patch content on this channel.
BananaMellor: There were times when I appreciated the choices the devs made to make it make sense that we can call on allies for dungeons or trials. Making the story make sense for why characters are there with you. And I think Dawntrail has probably taken that too far. From a plot perspective there are characters who have nothing to do but because they happen to be there, we can use them for Duty Support.
If I had one comment I could pass to the devs, it's to not let the meta mechanics get in the way of the story. We can handle a few instances of suspension of disbelief. I think even now there's still some earlier cases that weren't addressed for duty support and plotwise we're basically soloing a trial despite the mechanics making it an 8 man fight.
Sep 17 2024