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FFXIV Zero Outfit, Hairstyle Scythe Store Update 13th Feb 2025

ReaperSigma: I'm not a Hrothgar/Viera player but this whole not letting them wear hats is getting stupid now, there is no excuse for this in the game.

Asrahn: The difference between having 4 separate pieces instead of 2 is pretty much having to make and texture full pant legs and the sleeves of the chest piece, with their respective mask toggles for when they're covered by other items. I don't want to knock too much on SE needlessly, but it honestly comes across as pretty lazy and it's likely that they simply took Zero's attire (which is almost certainly one singular full-body model) and separated it between top and bottom because that's the simplest split to do without having to do extra work.

Koko-Katori: Not going to lie but...

I'm buying the outfit for the hat alone.

terceleto: Happy that the hair is available separately. The 2 piece set pieces ruin it as glamour pieces for me, I could have seen myself using the chest mixed and matched otherwise particularly with DRK.

Verpal: Oh, I know the technical limitation for getting another one piece.

It is called ''minimum viable product''.

As long as we gladly pay for that, it's a sound business strategy to continue deliver minimum viable product.

luminusprime: Oh man. I've been waiting for a dyeable cross-class Red Mage hat for literally FOREVER.

aboundedsumo7984: "viera and hrothgar cannot use it."

It's been almost 5 years at this point.... They added the race. The excuse of them needing to redo everything to fit for them is not an excuse at this point. They should have just not added hrothgar and viera if they were so against reworking old gear for new races.

I was so hopeful that maybe with the addition of female hrothgar, that maybe they had decided to update the gear to fit them now that both genders are in the game.

But no. I guess i'm going to have to continue to look forward to it...

risuhisu8885: been waiting for this for ages! So happy I can cosplay as Zero as a Zero Fan and did i mention i like zero? Cos I like zero! Do you like zero? I like zero. I also like fish glubbers

ministabber4927: I'm starting to see more content in the store than the actual game.

SrBlacken: We need Nanamo hairstyle, hopefully we get it soon

Crovius: "This head gear will not be displayed when equipped by Hrothgar or Viera characters."

blackandwhiteduo4971: Want people to remember this is probably the top MMO in the world, and they keep pulling no hat for viera and hrothgar, indie company btw

sjaak9568: No helmet for Viera/Hrothgar is unacceptable.

beecees410: welp... the floodgates got opened when they added Graha's hairstyle to a cash shop... thank you everyone who participated in this.... you are the reason we have to pay for it instead of it being a reward in game. its not like DT is lacking in anything besides story ....

ctgooni: Finally!! The hair is here!!

astrealove1: This could have been a RPR exclusive quest instead.

claratalbot7613: I have been waiting for Zero's outfit for ages & I'm so happy that it is dyable

dains6623: Personally I think the hair looks amazing but the outfit is meh.

katerinaquinn5482: I think that if an outfit isn't going to be wearable on every race they should charge half price because that's just lazy

Reavalia: So... still no chat bubbles but more ways to spend money. Fair.

linah1998: as a Bloodborne enthusiast, I always wanted her gear bc it's very hunter-esque. Don't love the two piece decision tho

CaptainJackSawyer: Those boots would have been so sweet without the pants. Who wears pants? The hair looks great.

cudddlebuddie: Phew, I was about to drop 12 dollars for boots

starscorpia4005: Square should just stop making new gear if they aren't gonna bother including a hrothgar or vierra version, they are just backloading work all the time and it's annoying to no end, and then condensing it instead of just sending a coffer or something with all the individual pieces is also obnoxious to no end

and it's 100% because they could make it with just adjusting the special gear made for the npc instead of trying to model the parts separately

zeng58: We want hrothgar and viera hats!!!

claireandclaws: Great, yet another hat they can’t be bothered to make wearable by all. Actually getting fed up now.

Feb 14 2025


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