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FFXIV Without Taking Damage Part 1

NPCMimic: If you want, something that might be helpful for visual reference, is to uncheck the UI > party list > hide party list when solo option, as that bar will display a visual for your active shield. The hp bar at the bottom doesn't visibly indicate it.

Capoodle: "Joanof Arcanist" is an amazingly punny name and you deserve a like just for that alone.

rileymoore7025: So a Solo only run, but with even more restrictions; how exciting

hitsukora: Yeah... its impossible, dungeons later just have unavoidable dmg as you know

davidlynch9469: Yshtola cast stone skin on you at the start of the fight which last 29 minutes or until you take enough damage so you could have saved your smn shield until stone skin was almost depleted. You really lucked out that you dodged that final attack because the attack before ate the last of your stone skin up and your smn shield had just expired.

stormhawk5322: If you cast sleep on targets that just spawn you could leave them alone until you are finished with whatever your focus is I think.

aaronlefebre5060: Don't fall!

Also, this challenge hard stops at Ifrit at the latest. There's multiple instances of unavoidable damage in that fight, including his ultimate. All of the dungeons leading up to that can have damage be avoidable with smart and calculated play, as well as teammates willing to work with you.

Otherwise, if the "no help from other players" covers dungeon runs, then this run stops at the entrance to Sastasha.

Good luck!

RhysPeaches: I had this video popped out over ffxiv while gathering and realized that I hadn't 1. moved or 2. breathed during the grotto fight, I was just standing there holding my breath with the gathering interface open akjshdfj,,, I definitely would tune in for more!

xmixaplix: ...he didn't say emotional damage is excluded

myriaravenheart1200: This is completely dead pointless. Eventually you get to unavoidable AoEs from bosses and the shield won't tank all of it. You still "take damage" despite having a shield up, this is just a lame cop out. It's not possible to play this game and actually take "no damage". The whole claim of "no damage" is just click bait with a cop out using a absorb shield.

Jul 31 2024


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