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FFXIV VERSUS Paladin vs Warrior vs Dark Knight vs Gunbreaker Tanks, 7.05

Xorua: Let’s fucking goooooo it’s Tank Versus time let’s sustain further emotional damage by the current state and reception of Dark Knight

Forsakei: Since I reached Heavensward back in last November, I was a devout DRK one-trick. Now that I have reached the end of Dawntrail, I started picking up the other classes... Man. I never knew just how bad I had it.

DarthStuticus: Its not called Superbolide.... Its called "A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES!"

pedrocamargo9195: DRK should be DPS. Period. Theres no reason of RPR being more drk than drk.

astrealove2247: Before watching: 1. GNB, 2. WAR, 3. PLD, 4. DRK.

Edit: As a Tank main, I'll disagree with Happy's rankings (1. WAR, 2. PLD, 3. GNB, 4. DRK). While yes, it does come down to personal preference in the end, and I think that both WAR & PLD are more beginner friendly than GNB, I find it that GNB is the overall better job this expansion, they bring a full package without being as bloated as PLD, and they have arguably the same amount of sustainability as WAR. GNB in Dawntrail feels more complete than any of the other tanks, with the only downside is that it might appear to be harder to play (it's not) than the other tank jobs.

o7 to all DRK mains out there.

KamuiBushida: another thing about WAR that i think also pushes it slightly to the top is that while it's damage is overall lower than the others on average, it's also very consistent since most of their burst is auto direct crits, and they feed off of BRD/DRG/SCH raid buffs better than most jobs, and the only skill that really has any crit RNG tied to it (in their burst phase) is Primal Wrath. It doesn't have to worry about crit RNG on high potency skills like GNB and PLD do which makes it even easier to get good results with. IMO that's a decent plus to have, on top of having the good sustain and

VarriskKhanaar: To everyone asking questions about "Why Wuk Lamet became so powerful?"


ShikiRyougi05: Hey Happy, wanted to highlight a little mistake you made.

There are actually only 3 tanks in the game. I don't know why you keep mentioning a "dark knight" lol, that's not even a real job!

bagnetic8910: As a long time DRK player, DRK doesn't even have a busy burst anymore. It's just moderately faster during 2s. Truly has nothing going for it right now other than a big sword. If they added short dos burst phases on adds, it would be have that too I guess. But otherwise nothing.

taraburguiere3056: Sad DRK noises

DonaldTurner: totally agree with this assessment, mr happy. drk, just refuse to paly at this point, other than leveling to 100, simply because most df healers do not heal anymore.

Sep 25 2024


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