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FFXIV Valentiones Event 2025 Rewards

waywardwriterryu7185: damn, that's a really accurate Aerith glam, for a second I thought it was part of the event rewards

richardwicker8456: Is the Aerith miqote a stand-in while Meoni recovers from the frying pan to the face?

ursalillychewie2059: Aww that emote is so cute

Verdugo_Arulaq: Hey man

Gotta give credit for shooting ya shot with Sadu

Granted your face is rearranged now but you shot your shot

Doctor_Yiggles: Love your glamour as Aerith, Meoni!

Xport9: Sadu being Sadu.

SimBir08: Nice Aerith Glam, I've had that exact glam on my whm for almost 2 years now :)

fetchgames: ....that achievement. DAMMIT GUYS! (for those who don't know it's a reference to The Sound of Music. Specifically the song "my favorite things" Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens being the line)

InquisitorThomas: For the opening bit you should have phantasiaed yourself to look like Magnai.

lantearia: I can't find last years emote, the love heart, which I'd unfortunately missed. Usually the last years emote is on the mogstation when the next years event begins. I don't even see any V-day sales up right now.

Does anyone know when I might be able to get that emote/when the sales might start, as they're not starting with the start of the event? Or am I just completely out of luck for one of the cuter emotes in the game?

sweepingtime: Astrid doing the /loveheart is too powerful.

TheDarkThunder: The figmental mch weapon would be a good mix emote.

ChrisFalconBuilds: What is the recipe for the Aerith glan?

m.a.z.t.m: What significant other

thtuskey: Do they have the maze this year?

Zouldin: Not a bad emote

SuikodenGR: U know...i cant think of a Waifu in game i would honestly give flowers to if i had to match make...hmm...and if they were, they are dead ;_;

vincentbeton: Love your idea involving Aerith in this but I gotta say I am a bit disappointed in the Emote. Who would hold a Bouquet of Flowers like this? A potted Plant would've made more sense if you cannot grip it properly

kalin6149: Still no mounts. Just like Christmas not impressed.

Feb 04 2025


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