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FFXIV Tales From the Party Finder I Think You Dropped This ffxiv ff14 mmorpg gaming

Vultee_LR: He hasn't forgotten the day a lala has passed the bomb to him which haunts him to this day

idaret.: Unexpected sequel

dazzlemasseur: Top 10 mrhappy facepalm

matthewdichigo: This is when Mr. Happy started his villain arc

andreloon6027: Ahh the chase

1ro868: Yo bro, what happened to you??? It's been a while and suddenly you have changed.

obamaorb7426: Ain't no way NA has the tanks physically run to the party to pass them the debuff, why not just have the 2 who didn't get hit take the debuff and stand where the tanks were

Sep 14 2024


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