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FFXIV So What Is Cosmic Exploration?! What We Know So Far

eldorripu: its just going to be like the doman restoration itll change whenever you make enough progress

PapiKamikaze: I’m happy they’re adding grindy content. FFXIV is lacking the mmo feeling.

cstrouts: I'm assuming that each player will have to do some minimum amount of missions in order to see the next stage of development. That way if you start cosmic exploration a few years from now you will still have to do the minimum amount for each stage even though your server completed everything a long time ago.

alexjones50: along with crescent isle this is one of the reasons I'm really looking forward to 7.2. I still wear my saint of the firmament title proudly on my character.

tomtrials: Theres so many areas of FFXIVs world that are just dead, if you're not running the content as it comes out you can run through hours of gameplay without seeing another player. I wish they'd focus on revisiting areas more and fleshing out the current world instead of adding more instances like the island thing.

SamusKnight2K: I'm suspecting we could have where every person has their own personal "star" to terraform, and you can invite your friends to help form to your own personal preferences. With the island sanctuary it was just you, others could visit but ultimately progression and appearance was entirely up to you.

Shiirow: people whine too much, either they whine that its too samey and then whine when its something thats not a staple feature. you end up with rare if ever outside the box ideas.

MaydaTiger: wow Meoni went DIGGING

thanks for the insight

cstrouts: I'm curious about where else we would go besides the moon. They said a new planet each major patch, so that's 4 planets total. I'm thinking they could do the standard sci-fi world tropes of moon world, ocean world, jungle world, ice world, or lava world. Or maybe there are worlds from other final fantasy games that could be inspiration. They probably won't give us any hints for the next world until 7.3 release, but it's fun to speculate.

eliaartyom6074: SE needs to implement new gameplay systems, not just developing ishgard firmament reskins that this mare lamentorum location is essentially going to become.

Blitzkrieger17: Space coffee!!! Wonder if it's from the cafe at the end of space?

jamierose9095: I'm a proud Beata of the Firmament!

jamiekevingallagher365: I'm definitely excited to see and do stuff beyond our home planet, being an avid enjoyer of space myself. My main worry is just what the min level requirements for our crafters will be.

barramuti27: common 25 of march at the end of my vacation T-T

beecees410: this is coping at its max, but given that we got a housing ward inside the firmament basically, is this forshadowing a new housing ward on the moon?

GrayVos: So just another crafting grind area like island sanctuary but with other people but not really cause you still grind on your own lol. Disappointing.

Eucep: I am curious on the story they are going to tell with this. My personal hope is as follows: Meteion returns to the WoL, telling us that some of the world she and her sisters had destroyed are starting to recover. And she wants to make amends. We go to the Lopporits with this information and a plan is formed to first start up making a 'launch base' on the moon, from which expeditions to the far off worlds will be started.

I think that 'alien planet' concept we saw, may not be as alien as it seems. I think that one may be the one with the 'fish people' from the dungeon where we visited those destroyed worlds before their fall.

If this system proves a succes, only then do I think they might include more 'random' worlds.

plainsalt: Probably client side like the Doman Enclave and perhaps customizable like the island, but I imagine it's Ishgard restoration on the moon with diffrerent planets acting like the Diadem. If he brought up Island Sanctuary I wonder if crafting will be different like on the island, but considering the lack of content for crafters and gatherers I doubt they would do that.

I would be happy if we could donate in trash items like we could in the Enclave. I'd be even happier if it ended up with the final result being a new housing area like in Ishgard.

Cuthawolf: I'm so jazzed for 7.2. I feel like Cosmic Exploration or Exploration Zone should have come in as part 7.1, but better later than never.

RrowdyBeast: It's end-lvl Diadem Firmament in one area with Island Sanctuary system complexity if I had to guess; you go out and gather stuff, come back and build stuff together, and it reaches a goal on that shard/server. With all the bots, I'd imagine they're gonna have to cap what can be done in a day tho lol

TheDarkThunder: Hope we can adjust the atmosphere I want a snow planet.

JaylalaBear: I dont think yoshi p confirmed what lvl u need to be for cosmic exploration but im hopibg I can lvl my crafters here

HaruSOSBrigade: The mech is probably a scv like in starcraft.

4SkippyRoo: Rankings would be worthless with the crafting & gathering plugins widely used by cheaters to automate everything.

Feb 13 2025


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