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FFXIV Smilebringers Smiling Friends

funklestiltskin6140: "We got a call from a little birdie about a guy in Elpis going through an existential crisis! I need you two to head over there and turn his frown upside down!"

Bersafor2: G'raha: I'm honored to be in the presence of such a hero.

WoL: Well maybe it was your Calling spell... That helped me become a hero.

G'raha: ... Well maybe I like that.

sleepytrashman: Gwimbly: “It’s just wrong man, Haurchefant was like a damn brother to me.”

emowolf812: I fucking lost it to Gwimblys OO oo OO~

AmuserName: Excellent mashup. Emet and Desmond both love their handguns.

CulturedDegenerate: If they sent the Smiling Friends to deal with Endsinger, Endwalker would've been over in 20 minutes

SagittariusAyy: This would unironically be a banger crossover episode

123hattan: "I don't want this"

(surprised Venat face)

RasenCore: I mean Endwalker is literally a long ass Smiling Friends episode if you think about it-

codybrown6330: Ending Endwalker with an absolute banger video

SniperKing-O: A wild Ina has been spotted!

RhetoricalGamer: Pls Charlie dont bonk Ina

Triggerpug: what a fucking banger

AetherWallaceXIV: don't kick the lala

theequalizer694: The real question is where are you gonna get a functioning PS2 in Eoreza?

Jun 25 2024


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