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FFXIV Patch 7.16 News Chaotic Changes Based on Feedback!

Noanatsuka: Wait.. isn't the custom deliveries one run by Hrothgar... who then give you hats.. that Hrothgar cannot wear?

kageshigi1012: I think the content should be more accessible to everyone not a handful of uber hardcore players.

Titanius_zos_Aires: I think the problem with the role quests were I didn't really feel much for the characters. Like they weren't too 2-Dimensional, but they weren't fully cooked. You hear so much about their villages, but I wanted to go there. It would have been cool to have instanced areas and people to talk to in them to get a better idea of situation and artifact. More show not tell.

nerthailabs: Meoni: "The marketboard will crash in price for these things.."

Me: "g o o d"

Jaciekakes: I feel like the problem they had with the role quests for DT is the lack of connection to the existing world and lore.

Shadowbringers Role Quests imo were the best - tied into the central core of the story, bringing extra dimension to the party of the Warriors of Light and the Flood, as well as the tie to the 13th, which was then further explored in 6.x.

EW role quests further explored the existing zones and how they were still dealing with the repercussions of MSQ in SB, HW and longstanding cultural issues in La Noscea and Gridania. We had interactions with leaders we've seen before and overall was pretty satisfying and tied up some loose ends from previous MSQ (I feel the Coerthas one especially).

Then with DT we get Temu Team Rocket. Some of the storylines were okay but mostly eh. I don't even know how they could have improved it with the new quests - like so many things in DT it just feels lackluster compared to the epic adventure we've been on previously.

sleepfishl: So many changes to CoD ... Still way out of my league. No way in hell I ever get a clear, unless they open it for unsync in a few years.


nkproad777: The role quests for DT are just....they're not worth it. I did it for completionist reasons, but my God, they're awful. Hildebrand is actually funny. It's good, actually funny humor. Funny stuff absolutely has a place in the game...as long as it's actually funny and a good time.

The role quest isn’t funny. Only one was mildly funny and kinda cute, another was mildly giggle worthy, and the rest were worse than the anime "Handshakers". Not every role quest line per expansion or role needs to be EDGE LORD SUPREME, and it doesn't need to be a dramatic and an epic time...but it shouldn’t make you cringe so hard that you start screaming like a lalafell that's been set on fire with a magnifying glass.

The role quests, moving forward, should either tie into a side story of the MSQ, tie into Hildebrand maybe, or continue the legacies of the jobs and roles. Or if they want comedy...hire somebody with a sense of humor.

solidshadow01: Yeah everything I hear about the Chaotic raids in media sounds weird, complex, and gate keepy so I'll never do it.Any content where I feel I have to join an external Discord to do the in game content is immediately out for me.

Horstveratu: What's with the shitty drip feed, who the hell is so lost that they would resub for a stupid quest

imapseudonym6198: The DT role quests were the very beginning of a trend for me, in DT. Namely, the trend of just sighing during cutscenes and finding myself mumbling "I don't CARE..."

My lack of interest in story content has actually kind of peaked lately, with me finally doing what I never imagined I would and skipping cutscenes for the Pelu Pelu tribal quests and the Dawnblazer Custom Deliveries. It's just.... so incredibly uninteresting and low stakes. Helping a bunch of venture capitalists start a tourism business? Building a new rail line between cities? They're both super bland, mundane tasks and neither one of them are things that come off as anything that couldn't be done without the player character's intervention - if you weren't there and did nothing, both of those things would still logically happen, just maybe a little slower. It's just.... I don't care. I just don't.

Lindorm482: I agree with the changes for chaotic. Ive been trying with friends since it came out to clear it and things never go right to the point we have split up to get our own clears. Im just disappointed with how it is designed.

BaithNa: Everything mentioned in this video further provea why Dawntrail was a failure on every conceivable level.

neenerneener8933: not entire 24 man raid dying to a mistake 1 person makes would be nice too

davood123: Addd a checkpoint to chaotic that's all they have to do to get the newbs a clear

captainsavvy07: I can't even clear ex3 in PF. Ain't no way I'm going to even consider doing the chaotic cloud of darkness fight. I haven't even bothered unlocking it. I've already accepted that I'm never getting the rewards from it because I'll also never be able to afford the MB prices. I'm at peace with it.

Edit: to select people in other alliances, we controller players either have to stop what we're doing to use the touchpad on the PS controller to move the mouse pointer to the person and tap the pad to click on them that way, or we have to stop what we're doing and hold L1 and press the d-pad repeatedly which will cycle through all the other alliance people IN ORDER.

Either way, it's a nightmare to do while moving as it requires us to take our thumb off the left thumbstick unless we move a bit, cycle through a couple of people, move a bit more, cycle through more people etc. And forget about also attacking because if we're cycling through people to get to the person we need to heal, we're not targeting the boss anymore.

Edit 2: I guess there is also the option to set one of the filter options so you could set it to L1 □ and then pressing the d-pad would only cycle between players close to you regardless of whether they're in your alliance and then you set the filter back to what it was when you're done

lushen952: Ok but hear me out, what if we added more slapstick humor?

The writers are so gen-z it's insane. Everything it tik tok byte 'humor' now. Why are they using manderville cartoon SFX in the main scenario and role quests? Who asked for this? It started in EW, they got negative feedback, and then just keep going down the rabbit hole.

FalkRaegos: Just for reference they did say Patch 7.16 will come on January 21.

This was mentioned in the "Crystalline Conflict Season Twelve Ending Soon!" announcement:

> The competition has been fierce, but Season Twelve of Crystalline Conflict will soon draw to a close with the beginning of Patch 7.16 maintenance on Tuesday, 21 January!

FieldMarshall3: I gotta be honest, i dont really care about getting even more materia II since all the materia II rewards can be sold and bought on the market board. I know i'll just buy it at some point in the future whenever. Give us the option to trade materia II for materia I.

The only stuff worth getting from CoD is the materia I mount and materia I glam (and the minion drop i guess)

Spaghetty: odd way for them to start to solve the accessibility issue for this chaotic. Simply make mechanics not an insta fail by missing 1 tower, or add a checkpoint. Like seriously less than 5% of the monthly active players engage/clear this content. Theyre losing touch.

Edit: there are 4million monthly active player across all DC and there are 81k people who have cleared them across all DC, i'll be generous and double it so we'll say 160k for the sake of the people who havent cleared and are just engaging. thats 4%. That is pretty low, also considering majority of players are casual or mid end players who just engage in current extremes.

jldyr2: There are aspects of Dawntrail really I like, but yes, the characters seem very lackluster overall when compared to previous role-quests.

corbenikgaming7688: Yeah, it is hard to heal somebody who’s outside your party when you’re on controller because the only way to do it is to stop what you’re doing put your weapon away and then target the other person in order to heal somebody who’s not directly in your party

sh1yo7: Really want that hairstyle, but not sure when is the best time to buy. I surely won't be able to clear that content lol

Ventus777777: I dont think there is anything inherently wrong with the dt role qiests. The problem is that previously the role quest expanded on established characters or groups. This was all brand new and we had nothing to ground the interest. Like lore for city state leaders/warriors of darkness made those quests for me. I enjoyed dts role quests but it doesn't hit the same because we didnt have those grounding points.

Locodeus: Most of the stories from this expansion have just been misses. Is this a new writing team or something?

beardo7342: Yawntrail

gilaverde: I've been struggling with Chaotic in PF, I gave up for now. I've got close to phase 3. And having people making parties to carry others through, for bonus rewards, is not the way the game should be played. Everyone should learn the fight.

Jan 17 2025


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