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FFXIV Patch 7.1 Moogle Treasure Trove Hunt for Phantasmagoria Details

Zeloh927: when i was, a young haps, my father, took me into a game store

elinde9932: Falcon was originally for subbing 3 months back in early Stormblood. I'll always remember it for being one of the only mounts at the time that could both go under water and fly =]

Domino2097: Falcon was a "sorry Stormblood was so broken at launch mount" aka Rubahn Savage PTSD reward

nothisispatrick5691: The "we got no content" event

wackyzap1304: Haven't seen the Inferno Jacket in a couple years at least

formy52: Not me, having farmed Eden's Promise for the TT card with the super low drop rate (for some reason) and now to see it in the moogle tomes... Ah well, at least people can get it easily now

Definitely pick it up if you don't have it, even if you don't really care about collecting cards, because inevitably when you do end up getting close to the jam toast mount this one will be a pain in your side for weeks.

Killerb567: I can't help but think of that FMV game from the 90s

andrewg319: Ancient One minion is from the 5.2 msq dungeon Anamnesis Anyder

ohmydawg2223: yooo mister happy the hair looks good :D

kurosanyasuke8236: Man, I been watching you for many many years. It will take many many years to get used to the long hair lol. All in all it looks good bro...the health kick and life things you doing seems to be working good for you keep it up. It is nice as well to see a gamer showing others that you can still be healthy while gaming!

Envinyon: The official marker for when you've played too much FFXIV is when you already have most things in these moogle tome events.

Kullerva171: Ignore the people telling you to cut your hair. You look great. Excited to have a reason to log in other than Fru

mewfangirl1052: I'm actually pretty annoyed that the Hades Gwiber is in this one. Usually I don't mind, but a week and a half ago I spent 6.5 hours farming him for that darn thing, finally getting it at the 94 totem mark.

taranstones1798: The problem I have with this event is that the rewards are actually pretty good this time...

And it releases 2 days before MH Wilds. WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SQUARE!?

Fraven85: to my knowledge, the Inferno Jacket was available only once before. like 4-5 treasure troves ago. mogpendium wasn't a thing back then. it supposedly was brought over from the chinese version.

medivh1035: I like that thug hairstyle you got in this video,lol

MMM172310: Idk why I love the Moogle events like I do, but I do be do be do!

Krysta1Rose: Good lord that hair is THICC! Its framing your face really well dude.

theLukkyChannel: So are these the same items from the last moogle treasure Trove? I completely missed it so it be awesome to catch up !!!

KazaarLotha: kinda weird theres no ew mount in there

bryannichols2493: Jesus cut that hair!!!

no-trick-pony: Nah... just nah... XD

Feb 21 2025


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