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FFXIV Paissa Earring Discussion

juancamole9154: the inferno jacket is finally back

Ryne91: Saw one person running Praetorium nonstop. Their goal was 100 runs

evar.7093: I love mogtome time!

It always gives me an extra incentive to level my alt jobs and work on maxing out my FATE zones/bi gems.

Me and my frienda are hoping that treasure dungeons will be a weekly challenge later on.

Strider_Shinryu: Damn one of my alts got robbed with objectives. She can't do any of the Weekly, Mini or Ulti challenges. She's just in SB MSQ-wise and her highest job is level 78 and yet they gave her an unknown level 80 trial for the Weekly lol

Not a bad earring but it does feel smaller than the other mascot earrings.

Raven_xiv: I tend to do Praetorium a lot, and go make myself a hot drink or get a snack while Gaius and Nero monologue

GalacticYuki: My weekly is Hidden Gorge, ain't nobody doing that lmao

marlee_oh_noo: love when a gay guy is rocking the white and pink look on a female character, you're so stunning and brave meoni

Yume03: Personally I prefer the singular earring version of the character earrings

oniono1319: Your outfit is so cute!

zeng58: Wait i can combine the old tomestones with new ones

PTrailblazer57: "paisabutt" Eorzean slang for a cute but foolish person.

kingragnarok7302: So when does the event ends again?

GarnetDust24: I picked the perfect time to start leveling machinist

Smalltownguy123: Nice work

overlordsparda1564: Funny I just cleared eureka orthos 4times and got the mount and was gonna start HoH next . Now it’s gonna look like im starting it for other reasons lol

JaylalaBear: i still need the construct 8 minion from the ridoranna lighthouse so this event will be useful trying to get it. not sure if i missed it in a previous mogtome event

overlordsparda1564: I just use the mog tomes to farm out mgp , last years me I farmed until I got clouds triple triad card, now I need double the amount fir a mount

gracekang2288: Which hairstyle is this?

harleymay3388: Not to sound odd but what boots and hand pieces are you wearing?

kotababy411: What shorts is he wearing

lostinfernohd3266: first!

Feb 28 2025


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