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FFXIV Next Live Letter Date Set Changed To Tomestones!

CasualVader: So they’re adding tomestones of mathematics and the next letter from the producer is on Pi day. Though I spose that only makes sense to the US.

Gregaric9106: Doesn't it get tiring of the same routine 24/7 with ffxiv

hbaabes: They really should increase the weekly cap of the tomes but I highly doubt they will tbh..

nikkicoyotie8431: just wanted to say: you have a lovely gentle voice that's perfect for this kind of content c:

SwiftbladeSpecials: I can't wait for 7.2 so I can finally get my wings!! So many totems!!

joshtrom01: Will current tombstone gear move to hunt nut gear vendor?

ashtorith: Thanks for the update

manum8170: Oh they are simply switching out the tomestones, that makes sense. I saw somebody made a video talking about having unlimited amount of tomestones so I was a bit confused about what was that all about. Cool stuff

Mar 01 2025


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